The novice

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Bagerit pov

I was actively participating in gardening which was quarrying which positively forced myself into a state of melancholy behaviour. Then suddenly my grand mother arose with a fortuitous disclosure. A singular acquaintance christened as ballar. I was quite pleased to evade the gardening yet perplexed with the case that she designated the swing in the center of the thicket as our location of meeting yet I still made the term there

Ballar pov
I was bored of doing nothing so I'd asked this one girl from online school if they wanted to meet me at the swing in the woods. They did and 15 minutes later she arrived .She had this weird papery thing in her hand no clue what it was .And then she asked what my favourite book is like what she so wierd. And it didn't stop the she went on about how she can say all the decimol points of pie up too 59 places and then began saying like totally random numbers luckily I handed that thing i don't want by hitting her.

After that we went to cholayyyyyyyyy's house that was good that was I thing I like..

3 years later oooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooh

Bellar pov

We were watching sa kidnapped kid so you see by
Which was as bagerits would say "quite enjoyable my dear"

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