the newbie

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Lillic stared at Ballar with an intensity that sent shivers down her spine. It was a cold morning, the mist still clinging to the golf course as the sun began to rise. They stood on the empty fairway, the promise of a new day stretching out before them.

"Ballar," Lillic's voice cut through the silence like a knife, "I'm tired of your lackadaisical attitude. The golf caddy championship is just around the corner, and we need to be ready."

Ballar shifted nervously, feeling the weight of Lillic's expectations bearing down on her. She had always admired Lillic's determination and skill, but lately, Lillic had become relentless in her pursuit of success. It was as if she had lost sight of the joy that had initially brought them to the sport.

"Twenty-three hours a day, Ballar," Lillic continued, her voice dripping with an unforgiving edge. "That's what it will take to get us to the top. I won't accept anything less."

Ballar's heart sank. She had been hoping for a moment of respite, a chance to enjoy the game they loved without the constant pressure. But Lillic's words left her feeling suffocated, as if she were trapped in a never-ending cycle of training and competition.

"But Lillic," Ballar stammered, "we've been practicing so hard already. Can't we take a break, even for just a little while? I'm exhausted."

Lillic's eyes narrowed, and her voice turned icy. "Exhausted? Do you think champions get exhausted? No, Ballar, they push through the pain, the fatigue, and the doubt. That's what separates winners from losers."

Ballar felt a pang of frustration and resentment bubbling inside her. She had always admired Lillic's drive and tenacity, but this unrelenting pressure was suffocating their friendship. She had always seen golf as a way to enjoy the outdoors, to challenge herself while having fun. But now, it seemed like a prison, with Lillic as the prison warden.

Lillic took a step closer, her eyes locked onto Ballar's. "Listen to me, Ballar," she said, her voice filled with a mix of determination and desperation. "I believe in you. I know you have the potential to be great. But potential means nothing without hard work. If you want to succeed, you'll have to give it everything you've got."

Tears welled up in Ballar's eyes as she looked into Lillic's unwavering gaze. She could see the passion burning inside her friend, the fierce desire to win. But at what cost? Was it worth sacrificing their friendship and their love for the game?

Ballar took a deep breath, summoning her courage. "Lillic, I understand your drive, and I respect your dedication. But I can't keep up this pace. It's overwhelming, and it's killing my joy for the sport. I need to find a balance, to remember why we started playing golf in the first place."

Lillic's face softened for a moment, a flicker of understanding crossing her features. Then, she shook her head and stepped back, her resolve hardening once more. "If you're not willing to give it your all, Ballar, then maybe you don't deserve to be my partner. Maybe you're not cut out for this."

Ballar felt a surge of anger and disappointment. She had always looked up to Lillic, but now she realized that her friend's relentless pursuit of success had blinded her to the importance of friendship and happiness.

"Maybe you??

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