Chapter 1

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Dabi's POV

It's around supper time so the streets were crazy! Of course I took advantage of that and decided it would be nice to go out for a nice walk.

I mainly took the back ally ways and the more darker streets though. Because even though many people aren't paying attention, I still don't want to take too many risk.

I walk into the next ally way but see a girl crawler up against a wall. But quickly realize she's letting out a lot of her sent. 'Fuck my alpha senses!' "The fuck is happening to you!?"

She turns towardse me and mumbles something too quiet for me to even hear. I shake my head and walk over to her, but the the closer I was the stronger her sent got.

I than realize she's an omega bassed on her sent. I fight my wolf senses and kneel down to her level "I'm sorry little Omega what did you say?"

She whimpers and backs away from me. 'Oh fuck my sent!' "H- Heat!..." I blush and fight me wolf senses even more. "Shouldn't you have pills?" "I ran out and it came early!"

She almost moans but covers her mouth to stop herself. 'Thank god! I would have lost it if she didn't stop herself!' "I can buy you some if you want?"

She comes up to me, grabs my hands and looks up at me with pleading eyes. "Please!!!~" I loose it just a bit and pull her into a kiss, I immediately pull away and get up off the ground.

"I am so sorry! I'm going to go get you Heat-repellent pills you stay here!" She looks at me shocked and I hear her fall more to the ground as I walk away.

"Ugh why did I do that!?" I walk into one of the most busy streets and quickly walk into the closest pharmacy. Many people look at me oddly since my sent is overflowing everywhere.

I ring the bell who's on the counter many times untill someone finally answers. "Yes how may I help you!?" She says clearly annoyed. "I need Heat-repellents... And Rutt-repellents."

'I'm quite sure my rutt is soon? But I do know I'm low so better to get the now than tooate.' The pharmacist looks at me wierd but goes to the back and givese the two pill bottles.

"That will be 12$." I take out my wallet and count my very little amount of money. "What about 10$..."

"……Fine!" I give her  the 10$ aka all of my money and she gives me the pills. I put them in my coat pocket and walk out of the pharmacy.

But as soon as I get out I run towards the ally way that I left the girl in. 'Nobody bette have tried taking advantage of her heat while I was gone!'

I make it infront of the ally way and smell her sent much easier than before. 'Control yourself damn it!' I walk in and and take out her pills.

"Hey" She looks up and I roll the pills over to her trying to keep my distance. She opens it and immediately takes two pills.

Her sent calms down and she stands up even though her legs are shaking. I watch her carefully ready to catch her if she falls, but she doesn't and carefully walks over to me.

"Thank you so much! What's your name?" "…Dabi" "I'm Emi, the pills coasted 6$ right?" "Yea" she grabs her purse and pulls out 6$ and hands it to me.

"Oh no, you don't have to pay me back..." "Please, I would feel terrible if I didn't." "Thanks..." I take the money and shove it in my pocket.

"So, why didn't you like... Go to your mate or something?" "Don't have one, do you?" "No" "But you're an alpha! How do you not have a mate!?" "Lone wolf and I want a mate who actually wants to be my mate for who I am. And not just wanting me to breed them or because I'm an alpha."

"I know how you feel, people just like to try and use us. I know it's disrespectful to compare alphas and omegas! But if you really think of it..."

I sit down on the ground and signal her to join me. Of course she obeys but also looks at me with an odd look. "Trust me I don't mind and you're right, we do have that in common. But really why are so many people addicted with the idea of either being bred or breeding someone?"

She shrugs her shoulders and gives me a little signal to continue. "Like I'm an alpha so obviously I know the feeling of wanting to breed someone. But 24/7! How!?"

"Right! Like I'm an omega so I usually do have the feeling of wanting someone to be breed me. But I'm not gonna act on that feeling and let anybody breed me. Let alone mark me!"

"Wait have you never been marked?" She shakes her head and my wolf senses kick in and I stare at her neck. 'NO! Being marked is extremely important to omegas! I'm not just gonna take that from her!'

"Hey are you ok?" I shake my head and accidentally let out a little bark. She starts laughing and I instantly glare at her out of reflex. "Sorry..." She says looking down while also letting out somme of her sent.

"It's fine" "This may be weird and I might be completely out of line to ask this and if I am I'm sorry for even thinking about it! Can I lean on your shoulder?…"

'WHAT!?' I look at her in shock but nod my head slowly. "You sure?" "Yes" She blushes a bit and gently but slowly lays her head on my shoulder.

I look at her neck again and have to force myself so much to not mark her. 'NO! STOP YOU CAN'T MARK HER!!!' "Are you ok?" "YES!" She looks at me and quickly changes the subject.

"So, have you ever been marked?" "No but I have marked many random betas. But only for like a week because I was bored and they were desperate." She nods her head slightly but keeps it leaned on my shoulder.

"You smell nice~" I smile and quickly lick her neck. "W- What was that!?" "An attempt to fight the urge to mark you..." She smacks me in the head and I loose full control.

I pin her to the ground and lean down to her ear whispering. "You better be careful how you act with me little Omega!~" She pushes me off of her making me quickly regain control.

"I am so sorry! I tried so hard to control myself!" "Yea I get it... But if either of us should be watching how we act it's you! Since I'm the one in heat!"  "You know you're quite feisty for talking to an alpha~" I smirk and lean closer to her.

"I mean I'm not going to do anything but wow!" I continue going back against the wall. She laughs a bit and puts her head back on my shoulder. "I mean it though Dabi, be careful... I don't want to find myself begging you to breed me. I nod my head and pet her head carefully making sure not to touch her ears.

"Dabi!" I look up and see Toga at the end of the ally way. "What?" "We need you like right now!" "...Fine... Emi? If you want here's my number. Call me?"  "Maybe?~"

I walk over to Toga and she pulls me quickly to the not so busy street anymore. "Soooo~ Who is she!?" "Just some random girl." I say not really meaning it but I don't want her to go crazy.

Toga smirks and nudges my shoulder. "A potential mate?~" She teases not believing me, I blush a bit from the sudden statement and freak. "NO OF COURSE NOT!..." "Mhm~"

"What do you guys even need help with?" I say a bit annoyed. '1 I may not get to see Emi again. 2 Me with a mate!? Ha! Never!'  "Shigi is going crazy and only you know how to calm him down."

"Uh no Kuroguri can too!" "Yea but he's out getting food!" "But I- Ugh whatever!"

Dabi x OC Omega verse Where stories live. Discover now