welcome gift...

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Zander walked into the hotel, following behind him was luke, carrying his and zander's bags. Hailey,Jake,Sean and Milly followed behind, carrying their own stuff and a few extra bags
The assistants had set out a variety of room keys some for the club, and others for normal residents. This being said the assistants let everyone decide who their bunking with
Finally it was decided that the groups would be:
Luke X Zander/r
Sean X Milly/p
And lastly, Hailey X Jake/p
They all headed up to their rooms, they unpacked and got comfy and decided to rest their heads they had an early morning of practice and unpacking for the preformence the next day...
Sean and Milly woke up, extremely early the next morning/day the sun wasn't even out yet, it was probably around 3:12 AM "Sean, something feels off" Milly said looking around for someone.. or something "Milly, you're just tired. Try drinking some water, we have a long day ahead of us."sean said comforting his best friend,
they headed to the water cooler in the corner of the room, Sean filling up one of those mini red solo cups(💀). Right as Sean handed Milly the cup full of water a loud alarm went off and someone spoke over the intercome
"Attention please, there has been a report of an emergency proceed calmly to the nearest exit and leave the building immediately do not use the elevators, use stairwells if necessary"
Milly jumped up slightly and put on her slippers, Sean doing the same, they avoided the holes and fire in the stairs and made it down safely seeing the rest of the club and some other residents there
After about 10 minutes of waiting, panicking and crying 2 or 3 staff employees ran out to accommodate everyone with complementary blankets, water and first aid kits "attention every one, we cannot evacuate the building due to the blizzard, on the other hand we haven't found any threats or suspicious activity in or near the building! it was probably a false alarm or drill, please head back to your rooms"
Everyone made their way to the stairwell stopping to wait for Zander
Who had a complaint..
Zander stayed behind to talk to an employee "ma'am these stairs are damaged, how do you expect us to get to our rooms" of course he had an attitude and put up a fight about it until the employee finally announced "attention every one the stairs seemed to be damaged, we all will need to take the elevator to get back"
Zander had that "I'm so proud of myself" look on his face the employee opened the elevator making sure everyone was inside she closed the elevator door using her key card but right before the door could close completely...
something came running up, like it was ready to attack the club and anyone else in the elevator "DID YOU SEE THAT?!" Hailey asked Jake practically screaming "yes I saw" Jake said bringing her in for a hug, she seemed to be shocked and she was shaking almost like she was ready to cry. "Okay this situation is far too dangerous, we should all stick together" Jake said worried for his friend "alright let's head to room 202" the first employee said making her way out of the elevator and leading the group into the room!

TBC, thanks so much for reading chapter one of "the field trip"!!

the field trip (TMF X Roblox Hotel)Where stories live. Discover now