Chapter 24

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I think people become who they really are when things get rough.

I can't breathe anymore. It was a long time ago that I realised that. Years, eons ago, even. But I don't mind anymore. The lack of oxygen makes me dizzy and at first it disorientated me but I've grown to crave it. It's like nothing is ever real anymore, my breaths are so shallow that my mind is constantly oxygen deprived and the important parts have just switched off. I really don't mind though. I don't miss my intelligence. I'm quite happy to stay like this, to become a jellyfish of some sort. It's a nice break from all the overthinking that'd hovered over me my whole life.

When Enzo comes in the room, he brings oxygen with him. Normally, most people would think that to be a romantic thing. But what they don't understand is sometimes it's nice to struggle but at least know you're doing it yourself, rather than grow to rely on someone else. But I don't mind if other people don't understand that concept, it's Enzo who bothers me. I wish he could understand. 

"Lilith, are you okay? Lilith? Talk to me. Please." I hear Enzo begging from beside me. 

My eyes are open, and I turn to look at him. My brain is so empty, all I want is for him to leave me alone. I can't tell if it's the drugs coming from that needle or whether my dad bashed my head in a bit too hard this time. I don't care either way. All I want is some peace and quiet.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm all good. They weren't supposed to tell you anything but I was too out of it to say anything." I laugh at the stupidity of it all, but it causes a throbbing to start in my head so I stifle my laughter into a small smile.

"The drugs will be affecting her, nothing to worry about though. Once we get her fully stabilised she'll be off them and back to normal." Ben states from the corner of the room. 

He's been sitting here pretty much the entire time, every so often writing notes on his clipboard. When I asked he said he was just keeping a note of my vitals. I had a nagging feeling that was only a half truth, but I didn't care enough to ask at the time.

"Why... why did you think it was a good idea to go to your house. I thought we discussed this!" Enzo's near shouting now, and the throbbing in my head grows again.

"Because you wouldn't let me, you'd lock me up in your house and never let me leave again." I explain, it comes out slightly slurred but I say it with as much indignation as I can.

"Lilith, I'm sorry. I didn't want you to feel trapped, but you have to understand why I didn't let you go there." He says, clearly exasperated.

"Yeah, I get it. It's fine." I reply, trying to just get him to leave me alone now more than anything.

"Ben, what are her injuries?" Enzo asks abruptly. I'm curious too though, so I don't mind.

"Her wrist is fractured again, two of her ribs are also fractured and she's got some head injuries as well as a very injured jaw. From the looks of the inflammation it's surprising that it isn't broken." Ben explains, "She's incredibly lucky it isn't though, broken jaws are one of the most frustrating injuries for a patient to deal with. No eating or talking properly for often times months..." He trails off, finally sensing the pure rage flowing off of Enzo.

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