True theorys and False alarms

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I decided to check thinking this could be a bad idea but at the same time I have to do it I decide i shouldnt wait and go out right now and get one also because emilie and gabriel said they needed some groceries first thing I did when I got in the store so I didnt forget I grabbed a trustful brand pregnancy test then i went through the list and bought the stuff I texted emilie that i did it and told her the total minus the pregnancy test I checked and $171.09 was added from "emilie👯‍♀️💖" I crumpeld the recipt and put it in my blazer pocket and hid the tests in my purse I brought a 2 pack just in case. I get to the manor and go to the kitchen to put everything away. I go to the nearest bathroom and take out the tests I pee on both of them and wait the stressful 15 minutes as the time passes I just think luckily gabriel snd emilie are having sex I can hear loud moaning from upstairs I covered my ears after the time passed the alarm went off my phone I was scared to look but i grabbed them shut my eyes and after a bit i opened them I ran out of the bathroom having a panic attack I texted my boss "ive got to take the rest of the day off there was family issues" he just replied a thumbs up emoji and probably went on with his wife. I got home to my apartment and I started relapsing
I pulled out a sharp razor blade and slitted my wrist i usually slit over old scars when they heel up and if i run out i just go to different parts of my body
I get off my cold bathroom floor and pull myself together I just decide to watch some tv to get my mind off this and put on some comfy pajamas.

Emilie pov:
My husband stops erecting me as his phone pings he reads the text then sais "nathalie went home early" I said "ok should we get back to buisness 😏" and we get back at it

I need to use the bathroom so i walk to the bathroom I notice 2 pregnancy tests on the bathroom floor and I feel estatic because these are mine and i read them wrong suddenly the urge to pee went away I ran estaticly to my husbands office to show and tell him he is so exited we celebrate and we decide to have a huge party for our future kid

So many people are here at my house and im so happy but its sad that my best friend could miss it but I have other friends to I proceeded to walk over and look for some friends of mine even though I was bassicly friendly to all of the people in paris

3rd person POV:

After the party was over the sweet couple was cleaning up because nathalie wasnt there then theu went to their bedroom to get ready for bed  they didnt have fun tonight because they wanted to protect the pregnancy

With nathalie
The woman was watching tv when she relized how late it was the time read "2:45" she turned the tv off and got ready for bed then she got in bed and went to sleep after a long time

The next day

Nathalie pov:
I got like no sleep but i still awoke from sleeping to go to work I got ready how I usually do and stopped by the local dunkin donuts to just get a black coffee she then got a text from emilie that they where going to the ultrasound I almost fainted seeing this text but i continued my walk the rest of the walk was normal then I went inside texted that im here and went into my office to get along with work

Emilie pov
I wake up seeing that my husband woke up early I got ready and got to the kitchen I texted nathalie to tell her the ultrasound was exited but i got no response just left on read but shes probably just walking to work I hear some entry noises and get a text from nathalie saying "im here" so im in the clear


Nathalie is driving me and my husband to the hospital its a long 30 minute drive but me and my husband are cuddling Im thinking this kid will complete our family


Were at the office to get our ultrasound nathalie stays in the car while me and my husband get out to go into the office the lady at the counter was kind of rude but she just told us to wait for them to call us after a bit of waiting a doctor comes out and sais "emilie agreste" me and my husband follow the man when we get in the office I am told to lay on the bed the by the doctor theres another chair my husband sits there the doctor tells me to pull up my shirt so he can rub some jell on my stomach this jell is very old it kinda gave me the chills my husband notices and gives a light chuckle he puts a device over my belly and when the screen turns on hes shocked am I having twins?




"Im sorry but there is no baby"
What do you mean?!

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