Chapter 35: Junior Brother's "Confession"

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The appearance of Cheng Wenkang broke up the charming atmosphere in the room. Although, this charming atmosphere only appeared on Sheng Heng's side.

Putting the untied belt of his pants back on, Sheng Heng walked to the door, opened it, and saw not only the chubby boy running away not far away but also the takeaway hanging on the door handle.

Sheng Heng carried the takeaway in and handed it to Yan Hao: "Eat."

Yan Hao took the lunch box, and his stomach, which was not very hungry, suddenly became active under the lure of the aroma of the food. It rumbled for a while.

Yan Hao's face flushed and he covered his stomach in embarrassment.

"You're so hungry yet you don't know how to eat." Sheng Heng gave his junior brother's head a doting knock.

"I'll eat now." Yan Hao put the takeaway on the table where he usually drew his drawings. He carefully moved the drawings out of the way, before sitting down and eating.

Cheng Wenkang bought a lot of food, including three dishes: one soup and two servings of rice. This was a careful choice he made after fully considering that his boss might have another love meal.

Yan Hao was so hungry that he picked up the box of rice and ate a bite. Only after he finished eating did he think of Sheng Heng and looked up to ask him, "Do you want to eat together, Senior?"

Sheng Heng had eaten lunch just now, so he was not hungry at this moment. However...... Sheng Heng's eyes fell on the grain of rice at the corner of Yan Hao's mouth, which Yan Hao had accidentally touched just now while eating the rice. There was only one grain, as white as jade, crystal clearly sticking to the corner of his mouth.

Unable to help himself, Sheng Heng walked over, bent down, reached out, and picked off the white rice grain that was stuck to the corner of Yan Hao's mouth. Yan Hao was obviously stunned for a moment, staring at him with big eyes and not understanding what Senior was doing just now. It was only at this time that Sheng Heng suddenly realized what he had just done. He already had a ghost in his heart (Note: means he has a guilty conscious/ulterior motive). No matter how thick-skinned he was, at this moment, he felt a little uncomfortable.

"You, there were grains of rice on the corner of your mouth." Yan Hao straightened up and said with some embarrassment.

"Oh. Did my food stick to my face?" Yan Hao blushed in shame and embarrassment, only feeling that it was too humiliating for him to have food on his face when he was such an adult. He put down the dishes and touched his face.

"There's no more. It was just this one grain."The embarrassing atmosphere was disturbed like this, and it disappeared. Sheng Heng was relieved but also a little regretful. Although it was awkward just now, it would actually be good if his junior brother could realize something.

Yan Hao smiled shyly, took out another pair of chopsticks, and handed them to Sheng Heng: "Senior, let's eat together."

"No need. I ate at noon." Sheng Heng shook his head and said, "You can eat without worrying. I'll go and punch again as I did before."

Sheng Heng walked back to where he was standing just now and glanced at Yan Hao. Seeing that he was eating with his head down, he quickly took off his pants and started to practice his fighting technique.

Fifteen minutes later, his fighting technique was finished once again. This fighting technique was learned by Sheng Heng from his father and brother. It was a kind of military boxing, which was very practical and physically demanding to practice. After practicing it twice in a row, Sheng Heng sweated all over, but his body felt hearty.

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