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I woke up with a terrible headache, I was confused, I didn't drunk that much last night, I looked at my side and saw garroth still fast asleep, I slowly got up from my bed, and into the bathroom,
I then started to take my clothes off and stepping on the shower.

As I was done,
I looked at the mirror and take some of garroth's armor set,
I pick a all black armor,
As I was done putting it on, I stalk towards garroth and shook him awake,

"Hey! wake up sleepy head"I said, as I continue to shake him,
And I heard him groan,

"Five more minutes"He mumbled,

"Come on!"as I said it, I pulled his foot and he growled at me,

"One!"I started,
"Two-"he cut me off,

"FINEE!!"He scream.I chuckled to my self as he lazily walk towards the bathroom,

As he was done showering and putting his armor, we make our way to the Phoenix's, As we got there, I saw everybody getting ready,well except,Ivy.
She had a 'pissed off' expression.

I walk towards Zack and asked,"So? When will we depart?"

He looked at me,"maybe-"
He was cut off by Sylvanna's screeching yell,

"We will depart this instant!!" Zack looked at her, he sigh and nodded,

"Fine"he muttered, Suddenly ivy stood up and said,

"I would like to come with you mother."she asked rather 'polite'.
Sylvanna turn to look at ivy and smiled,

"Sure, why not my dear,"she exclaimed.
I looked at her with puzzled expression,

"Why?!?! Would you wanna take her? She almost murdered her sister?!?"I asked in a low voice.

She turn to look me and then ivy,
"In one condition-"she said.
"You will apologize to your sister for what you did"she added,

She looked at her mother with an annoyed expression,
"Fine, I will apologize to Aphmau"she agreed.
"But I want to wear my armor, mother."she continued.

"Fine then"sylvanna said.
Ivy ran towards the house and about an hour she came out wearing the same armor she wore last time.

They hop in their horses and so do I.
"But first, we need to go to Teony's village"Garroth said.
We all nodded, and started to take off.

ABOUT TWO HOURS LATER...............

We arrived at a very small village,
Only a few houses there.
As I look around I suddenly heard a loud commotion.
I looked towards my left and saw some guards on the ground looking unconscious.
I got down from my horse and towards the house, I heard swords clashing, I looked over the window and saw two girls, one with black brown hair, and the other one had a raven hair but her hair was braided and also, she was wearing a sexy outfit,


I stared at her, when suddenly a voice distracted me,

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I stared at her, when suddenly a voice distracted me,

"Zane!" I turn around and saw ivy, I crinkled my nose under my mask, when I turn my attention again in the woman, I saw her looking at me, I felt time stop for a moment, we looked deeply into each others eye, Her eyes was the color of a sweet caramel.
Suddenly it hit me, Aphmau had the same eye color and as well as her Raven hair,

"Aphmau?"I muttered. She looked at me and started to panicked, as soon as she was done finishing all of the guards.

Garroth came in with Zack,
"Put your sword down!"Zack yelled, as he started to draw his sword.
I had a bad feeling about this.

Aphmau just stared at them coldly,
"You really don't listen are you!?!?!"Garroth yelled.

Garroth started to run towards Aphmau with sword in hand.

Suddenly aphmau's beautiful Caramel eyes were gone and it was replaced by Darkness.

As soon as garroth saw this he back away, "what the heck?!"he whispered.

And then fire was consuming the house,
"Let's go!"The girl with dark brown hair who I guess was teony yelled at Aphmau.

They ran in the back door, I followed them behind the house, and saw them climbing in a horse and took off.

I ran back towards my brother who thankfully didn't got hurt.
I saw we still have a couple of guards that wasn't beaten that hard by Aphmau.

I motion them to follow me,
As I was getting on my horse, I heard a voice.

"Where are you going,Zane?"I turn to look at a very concerned Sylvanna.

"Do you want to see your daughter?"I asked her.
Her eyes lit up, she called Zack, Garroth
And ivy.

We all hop in our horses and I lead the way to the forest.

Minutes past but we still haven't found them, "oh! Look there's a trail!"Garroth yelled pointing on the ground with a
horse's footsteps.

We followed it, And it lead to a cabin, I saw the horses they ride,
When we were close I saw someone coming out from the cabin and we hide immediately. When I peeked at the person.

I realized she was the Ravenette,
That I admire so much.......................

Hello guys sorry for not updating for so long, And also sorry if this story is just so short, but promise I will update again *I hope* But for now it's time to say.......



The Phoenix Queen (A ZANEMAU FANFICTION) {Unedited Version}Where stories live. Discover now