[CHAPTER 1] (THE HISTORY OF THE PHOENIX PART 1) What really happened?

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I clench my hand into a ball of fist seeing her unpleasant grin, her eyes full of hatred was enough for me to roll my eyes at her. I'm not afraid of her or anything. I'm just fed up by all her threats!

She strolled towards me with a sharp pointed stick in her hand, twirling it on her palm.

"Hi aph. Fancy bumping into you here."She greeted while widening her grin. Creepy as heck.

"I couldn't say the same thing to you tho."I remarked as she rolled her eyes and pretended to yawn.
"What do you want Lillian?"I asked calmly, not wanting a shouting match to begin in a quiet basement.

"Nothing,"She twirled the stick in her palm once more and glanced at me.
"Just want to remind you of something.."A scoff escaped my lips while shaking my head out of disappointments.

"Really Lillian?" I smirked at her. I want to push her buttons until she got pissed off. "You always stoop so low."Her eyes closed shut as she started to grin, a grin of annoyance.
"And what now... You'll Jab me with that stick... Seriously-"

"Shut up you menace!"I clasp my lips shut taunting the living shit out of her. I started to tilt my head from each side while making googly eyes.
"You little piece of-"She strolled towards me while pointing the stick in my stomach.

I sigh and was about to dodge her attack, when suddenly the door burst open. Lillian froze a few steps away from me.

"Aph!" Garroth's deep voice echoed in this quiet room. My lips automatically curled into a smirk as I saw Lillian gripped the stick with all force.

"I'm her Garroth!"I yelled earning a excited yelp from Garroth. His heavy footsteps was then heard.

"Oh you're here!"He exclaimed with a smile. I smiled back at him as he darted his eyes in Lillian's direction.
"Lillian!"He yelp out of shock. "I didn't notice you there..."He excused earning a giggle from me. Lillian glared at me as she sigh. Deeply.

"We- I mean Aphmau wanted me to escort her here..."She glanced at Garroth with a flirty smile.

"Yeah. But suddenly Lillian started to attack me..."My lips quivered as Garroth stared at me in shock.
Lillian on the hand widen her eyes and shaking her head.

"That's not true!"She protested while averting her attention at Garroth.
"She's a liar! You piece of-"As she was about to lay a hand on me, Garroth interfered by grabbing her wrist.

"That's enough lady Lillian!"His voice boomed in the small quarter. "This kind of behavior should be reported to your parents!"He added.

"Aph? Gar? Lillian? What are you doing here?"A deep male voice interrupted. His black hair was disheveled but still shines in this dim lighted basement, his black cape that swayed behind him, with the cross sign infront of his black chestplate, and his black mask covering half of his face.

"Oh. Hi there baby brother!"Garroth exclaimed earning a sigh from him.

"Garroth how many-"He started but was cut off so soon by Garroth.

"Wait baby brother I just need to take care of this first..."He returned his attention back at Lillian.
"Let's go now..."He grabbed her wrist tightly before dragging her outside.

"Bye Zane."Lillian waved her hand before disappearing, leaving me and Zane at the room.

I don't know what to say since it's just the two of us. It felt like my mouth became dry or my mind went blank. I glanced at him, as I looked up his blue eyes pierced in my face. Damn this man. It's not like we're too close or anything.

The Phoenix Queen (A ZANEMAU FANFICTION) {Unedited Version}Where stories live. Discover now