ep 2: london studies and night searching

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play song: Don't Play with It-Lola Brooke ft. Billy B (Instrumental)

The next morning was a mountain of last-minute preparations. Having to get up early as ever to unpack everything from her luggage, and then try to eat breakfast and pack her books and get down to the admissions and courses building by 8:00 was a fucking hassle. Ty'Vonn still hadn't finished packing her bag for the morning of. So, she managed to take the elevator and run down a set of stairs, and in about 2 minutes early, she made it. As she stood in the line to get her schedule and times for her courses, she couldn't help but observe those around her. You would've thought she was checking everybody out but merely just trying to give herself a forewarning who and who not to fuck with here. As the line continues, she moves up without watching where she's going and bumps into someone. Hoping that the person won't be to upset, she apologizes quickly,

"Oh, I am so sorry! I did not mean to bump into you, I wasn't paying attention."

The beautiful brown skinned woman in front of her chuckles.

" It's all good mama. What's your name?"

All Ty'Vonn could do was stare at her. Such beauty from a woman. Thank God, she was into women.

Then she heard her name, "Ty'Vonn Allens? Ty'Vonn Allens?" She zoned out and look towards the person calling her name, looking forward, it was the admissions counselor giving her, her schedule and times for her courses.

"So, that's your name?" Turning around, once again there goes that beautiful brown skinned woman.

"Yes, that's me. Ty'Vonn Allens, but you can call me Symie or MieMie." The pretty woman smiled big and wide.

"Aww. That's such a cute nickname. Okay cool. My name is Dezie. What you studying at DSU?"

"African American Historical Studies and Genetic Diversity. What about you?"

"Political Affairs and Sciences along with Environmental Life in Diasporas"

All Ty'Vonn could do was feel amazed at the fact that a female of this intelligence. Like come on now, how do you find girlies like this. Both females walked to the buildings of their courses and then met up in the library to explore the campus together. During their exploration, they look into the restaurants in the area. As they reached the restaurant of their choosing, once agreeing on something, they ate and talked about.

"So, what made you move to the trenches or the UK in general? I hear an American accent coming from you."

" Yeah. I'm from Brooklyn, New York. That's where home is. Well for starters, my life wasn't easy growing up. No mom or dad, I had it rough. So, when I could pay for college, this was my first ticket to freedom. I'll say i miss home, but it brings memories I want to forget. Besides, exploring the country has always been a dream of mine. I guess, this was my first stop. What about you? Where's home for you? I don't hear an accent that is not of British slang. I don't know what to call it, ha-ha."

"Same reason as you. Wanted to find my dream and have freedom. I'm from a small countryside town called Medusae. Named after the Greek Goddess, Medusa. We carry a small posh accent, but we sound almost British. Learning about the history of my home inspired me to come here for my studies plus I'm a black female, why wouldn't I come here? This is where my people are and my community resides."

"That is beautiful. To be full of love and inspiration from your home, you're able to bring some of it with you to other places. So awesome."

Ty'Vonn didn't know if she should tell Dezie what she saw the other night. To be honest, she felt scared to tell her. Afraid of what might happen. Looking down at her wrist, she realized her bracelet wasn't on her wrist. 'Where is my bracelet? Did i drop it in the alley behind the garbage can? Did I forget it at home and took it off before i left for my flight?' Ty'Vonn sits there staring into nothing as she sees in her peripheral vision that Dezie was trying to snap her fingers to get her attention.

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