~The Worst Decision Of My Life~

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Oh no... no no no no no why was I so stupid? I didn't have to say anything, but I did, and I messed everything up. I'm such an idiot.

I picked myself and my bags up and walked away from the door. I shakily put a hand into my pocket and pulled out my phone.
The rain was beating down, soaking every inch of me. I dialed a number as best as I could in the rain and waited for an answer.

"H-hey sis." My voice was trembling.
"Everything okay? You sound like shit."
"Uhm... I-I told them..."
"Ooh. And I'm guessing by your voice that it didn't go well."
"Nope." I sniffled, I couldn't tell if it was from sadness or the cold.
"Well my offers still open, you can come stay with me."
"Thanks... I'll get on the bus and be there in... a-about 40 minutes to an hour?"
"With traffic, you'll probably be closer to two hours." She snorted, making me laugh. Even if it was just a bit, it felt good to laugh.
"Thanks Six... I seriously appreciate it."
"Don't mention it bro! Alright, I've gotta go now, but I'll see you later. Love ya."
"Love you..."

Then she hung up.

I sighed. Guess it was time for me to head to the bus stop.

Once I'd boarded the bus, I put my headphones in and tried to match my breathing to the rhythm of the music. Is that weird? It's something I've always done. I can't really explain it, but it calms me down.

I looked out the window as the rain trickled down the glass.

Dancing in waves through the sky,
Glistening brightly.
The grey clouds swarming in swirls
While the sun waits patiently.
It's serene and graceful,
But there's a melancholy tint to all this.
It feels... it... feels...

I was woken up by the shuffling of bodies around me. The bus had stopped, time to get off. I gathered my bags and exited the bus.
The first thing I did when I got off was ring Six to tell her where I was, and she told me to stay put so she could come get me.

After waiting about 10 minutes, a familiar white car pulled up. The door opened to reveal a short girl, with a black bob and brown almost reddish eyes, wearing a yellow raincoat to protect her from the weather. She stood up and walked over to me.

"How you feeling, Sev?" She asked as she took my bag and brought it to the car.
"Fine I guess." I said with a sigh. "I just... regret what I said."
"You shouldn't. If they don't accept you for that then it's their fucking loss."
"I suppose, but I've just- ugh!" I buried my face in my hands and just started crying.

I've been wanting to do that for hours. But I didn't have the energy.

"I've ruined everything. We we're finally starting to fix our relationship and I fucked it up!" I said through sobs. I felt a hand on my back.
"You didn't do anything wrong." Six said as she hugged me around my waist. "Come on, let's get you a warm change of clothes, a shower and some food. How does that sound?"
"Good, thank you... so much." I said through stifled cries.

I got into the passenger seat while Six started the car up.
"So, I was right." She said.
"You were one hour, 47 minutes and 35 seconds. I was right about you taking closer to 2 hours."
"Oh my god you counted the seconds too?"
"I'll do anything to prove I'm right." We both laughed a bit. Then the rest of the ride was silence. A good and comfortable silence. I was still on edge from what happened earlier, but I felt safer here.

When we got to back to Six's place, I was relieved. It was a small apartment and it felt so cozy.
"Bathroom is the door on the left down there, take a shower then put on some pyjamas and we can eat snacks and watch a movie or something if you want to."
"Okay, thanks, I'll be back soon."
"Alright. And, Sev," I stopped to look at her. "Don't listen to what they say, okay? Their opinion doesn't mean anything. Why do you think I got out of there as soon as I could?"
"Fair point." I chuckled dryly as I turned back to head to the bathroom.

Honestly, having a shower didn't help me at all. Well, it warmed me up from the cold rain, but I needed something to... distract me. I hate to admit it because it sounds pathetic but I actually started crying for a bit, luckily it was drowned out by the sound of the running water.

After about 25 minutes, I stepped out of the shower and dried myself off with a towel. I put on some pyjamas I brought with me and found Six doing some stuff in the kitchen.
"Hey bro." She said with a smile. "How was that?"
"It was... okay I guess. Felt nice to warm up a bit."
"Good. Now go sit on the couch, we're watching a movie."

I did as she said. She quickly followed me and handed me a bowl of popcorn.
"It's sweet, I know you like that. I'm personally more a salty gal myself."
"It fits with your personality." I mumbled. Obviously she heard as she lightly kicked me.
"Prick." She smiled at me.

We ended up watching some cheesy action movie I can't remember the name of. It reminded me of when we we're kids and we used to watch these kind of movies together all the time.

After the movie, I was pretty tired.
"You okay with sleeping on the couch?"
"I'm fine with that."
"Did you bring any blankets or pillows or anything?"
"Uhm... no. I didn't."
"It's okay, I've got spare." She stood up off the couch and walked into the room opposite the bathroom, I'd guess it's her bedroom. She came back with a grey star patterned blanket and matching pillow.
"Thanks. I feel like I'm saying that a lot, but I really mean it." I yawned.
"Hey, what's your sister for if not to help you when you need it? Now, I think you could use some sleep. Night Sev."

In only a few minutes, I drifted off to sleep.
A new book? Drama??

I'm gonna try update this every week, but I can't promise I'll be consistent.

K love youuuu 💞💞


Words Prick Like Rose Thorns (Mono x Seven | Little Nightmares AU)Where stories live. Discover now