Gulp Gulp Gulp

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Stan and kyle were chilling at their apartment watching south park with their cats.
they have 3 cats. White paws, a fat tuxedo cat. Skittles and Kitkat, grey tabbys.

Kyle and stan are sitting on a loveseat in their living room, which was quite small. They have a medium sized tv with a ps4 and a ps2 hooked up to it. they also have a ps1 just there. There is a shelf that holds the games.

"i love south park." kyle said blatantly.

"yeah, me too. its really funny." stan replied, his eyes locked on the screen.

kyle turned his head and started to stare at stan. he noticed little details about him that he had never noticed before.
stan noticed out of the corner of his eye that kyle was staring at him, so he turned his head and stared back.

Now, stan and kyle have always been fruity (of course) but this is a new level of fruity. They really making direct eye contact💀 goofy aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa😹

"um.." kyle said, turning his head away whilst blushing a ton.

"erm.. what the scallop were u staring at me for.." stan questioned, blushing as well.

"Nothing!" kyle said, loudly.

"um okay sure.." stan replied.
(he doesnt believe him, obviously. he was staring at him.)

they continued watching south park

out of no where, stan just grabbed kyles face and kissed him.

kyle was really shocked, but he didnt pull away.

stan couldnt believe he was really doing that.

after a couple minutes, they broke apart from eachother.

"fuck... sorry idk what got into me dude.." stan apologized.

"no dude its ok. im ngl, i kind of liked it.." kyle replied

stan and kyle were as red as tomatoes.

kyle suddenly noticed stan was epicly hard😹😹😹

"dude.. are you seriously turned on right now?" kyle asked, already knowing the answer.

"What? OH.." stan had just realized he was hard

"its ok, maybe i can help you." kyle said

"uhm.. what!? what do you mean by that.." stan asked

"i mean i can give u a bj if u want lol😹" kyle replied twirling his hair🥺🥺

"HUH.. um okay i guess.. but dont judge the size uwu >w<" stan replied, looking away shyly


So, they got down to business..

Stan undid his invader zim belt and pulled his jeans down so they were down at his ankles.

*am i really going to do this? with my super best friend????* stan thought.

he assumed kyle was thinking the same thing.. butttttt umm..

*GOLLY OH GOSH diddly damn darn i cannot wait to suck stans little doinger yoinger!!* kyle thought.

told u so😜

"umm.. are you gonna.. yk.." kyle asked, hinting to stan.

" ohh um yeah.." stan replied.

stan was nervous as fuck💀

"i can tell ur nervous pookie pie, dw ive sucked off lots of people, even a towel once😹!" kyle said boldly

"uhmm what😭" stan replied

"oh uh nevermind, lets just start" kyle said, embarrassed

stan pulled his boxers down and kyle had to stop his jaw from dropping from how BIG of a penis stan has!


(did i mention that his penis is not small??)

his penis is big.

very large


gargantuan, even.

pretty girthy too.


kyle got hard at the sight of stans huge cockadoodle doo...

"uh uhm.." stan said, nervously.

kyle put stans ding dong in his mouth and got to work

lil bro was yanking on

bro was also wanking himself off💀 (kahl)

stan took notice (wtf is up with this spacing hell me i didn't do this) and decided that he should take action and suck kyles weiner

so um he did..

"wait.." stan said, breathlessly.
he was pushing kyles head away from his weenie hut jr
(its more like the salty spitoon tho considering how big it is😹👎)

"huh?" kyle asked

"i.. um i wanna suck u too.." stan said, immediately wishing he said that in a different way.

"oh! um okay sure.." kyle replied

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2023 ⏰

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