No, Just a Secret Organization Osvaldo

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Following Ian through the woods was sort of concerning but he led us like he’d been in there for all his life, and based on the story he had explained while we were walking, he was. He had explained that he grew up in a ‘cabin’ (he had said it with emphasis so great on the word he was basically screaming the fact that it had quotations around it) but for children with…abilities. He also said we closely resembled what symptoms those children had before they had been chosen to go to the ‘cabin’, so now the ‘Minister’ is testing our brain waves and see if we are like the ability children. But wouldn’t I know if I had these abilities? Like wouldn’t I know if I could make a bottle float with my mind? I decided to express my concerns to Ian.

“Uhm, dude like what if, we don’t have these abilities, I don’t know about the others but I’ve never made any bottles move with my mind or anything for that matter,” I said as we sat down for a rest, it was now 10:00 PM, and we had been walking for almost two and a half hours. Oh god, what if Alice woke up by now?

“Ok, good questions, but to start, if you ended up not having any powers we would just erase your memory,” Ian started and the others gave him a look to say ‘what in the world?’ but he just continued “And most children never show symptoms of having powers, till met with others like them, which is why we have reason to believe all of you have abilities we have already labeled down what Alice’s abilities and her’s were triggered by someone else’s, so at least one of you in this group has powers.” Ian finished and I was more worried about the fact that Alice had powers, than to really care about the first thing he had said.

“Ok uhm, what about our parents?” Borden asked standing up again, ignoring Noe trying to get him to drink some water, which he had gotten from Ian.

“What about your parents?” Ian asked, it was the only time where more than just concentration was evident in Ian’s expression.

Borden was pacing back and forth, looking more concentrated than Ian now. “Like, what if they like come looking for us? What will we do then?” 

Ian’s face darkened and his mouth turned into a thin line, that could not be good. “We erase your parent's memories of ever having you and we take all of your stuff to the cabin, so they won’t suspect a thing, but if you have any other friends it might affect them slightly since we can’t really erase an entire towns memory, but we have some pretty strong Memorors, so you should be okay, thanks for reminding me though.” He then produced a device from his pocket, it looked sort of like a modern-day phone, but had a rose pink case and was sort of shaped like an egg or like those tomogachi things that people used to collect, he must have noticed us staring at it like it was an alien because he said “Oh uh this is like a pager since we can’t have phones, it attracts…them.'' This just left me even more confused but I just went with it because he didn’t seem like he wanted to explain any more than what he had just said.

Ian pressed a few buttons, well correction one button, a few times since the contraption only had one button in the first place. Anyways he pressed the button and then said “Pick up the girl, and make sure to bring the Memorors since they need to be erased, thank you.”  He then let go of the button he was holding, sort of like a walkie-talkie. 

“What was that about?” Thad asked, his eyebrows arched up and I noticed how pale his normally darker skin looked.

I leaned over and whispered in his ear, “Dude, you good?” I asked and he nodded but I wasn’t so sure of his answer, why was he so nervous? “You sure?” I asked, but Ian was talking now so he didn’t respond.

“-but I tried to contact them before in the world, and it didn’t work so I’m assuming they didn’t get-” Ian was ranting about something, but I was confused, seeing as how I hadn’t listened to half of this conversation since I had been too focused on what had made Thad so upset.

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