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Jay held two thornless red roses in his hands. Although he had already paid for it, he still couldn’t step outside. He remained standing over the counter, staring at the yellow flower being arranged. Its beauty caught his attention and he couldn’t take his eyes off of it.

There was something about the flow-

“Is it just me or are you holding two roses right now?’

Jay still didn’t move in his place.

Sunoo walks closer to him as he takes a look at the yellow flower as well.

“It’s beautiful,” Sunoo commented.

The florist looked up at them as she smiled, “It really is, but its meaning was never beautiful.”

“What does it mean?” Sunoo curiously asked. “I’ve seen it mostly at funerals.”

“Right,” the florist said. “Yellow chrysanthemums often symbolizes farewell but it also symbolizes a neglected love,” she explained further.

Jay held the roses close to his heart.

Too sad, he thought as he finally moved from his place to give way to Sunoo. The latter picked up three red roses and paid for it. Both gentlemen then exited the shop and made their way to the church.

“You look formal today, what’s up?” Sunoo asked as he looked over at Jay’s outfit.

“It’s my parent’s anniversary,” Jay answered.

“I’m guessing the other rose is for them?”

Jay shook his head. “It’s for…” Yujin.

Jay will meet her tonight. Although she was only forced to date her, he couldn’t come empty handed. He wanted to show a bit of sincerity, at least. He may never like girls but he didn’t like hurting their feelings as well.

“Your muse?” Sunoo asked, “You should have bought a bouquet if it’s for your muse.”

Jay looked at the remaining rose in his hands, “I don’t know, it’s the first time I’m doing this.”

Yujin is a childhood acquaintance. She’s nice and beautiful, a total dream of every man. Then again, Jay didn’t belong to every man. He never likes Yujin, or any other girls, because Jay likes a man.

A man that’s currently standing next to him in front of the altar, the man of his prayers.

Jay likes Sunoo, specifically.

“Do you also like red roses?” Jay asked.

“Hm,” Sunoo pursed his lips in thought. “I don’t know. I’m not really into flowers but I also don’t hate red roses,” he answered.

Jay extended his hand holding the red rose towards Sunoo.

“It’s for you,” Jay said, shyly.

Sunoo stood frozen in his spot, staring at the rose being offered at him. He could practically hear his heart beating too loud inside his chest.

Jay stood there awkwardly, his confidence slowly washing off as he realized Sunoo didn't have any intentions in taking the rose. He slowly retreated his hand as he felt his cheeks burn, but then Sunoo finally grabbed the flower before Jay could hide it behind him.

“Thank you, Jay-hyung,” Sunoo said, smiling brightly at him. “Now you have to get your muse a bouquet of roses.”

“I guess…yeah,” Jay mumbled, he ducked his head lower before he started walking away- leaving Sunoo alone.

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