The Sports Festival

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After Midoryia and Bakugo had their talk and calmed down, the two boys returned to class. The whole day went by quickly and it was almost time to return to the Dorms. As the class was getting ready, Aizawa stood up and claimed out of his sleeping bag.

"Alright class, quiet down" he said as he flashed his quirk. "Your battle is not yet finished" he stated and winced slightly as he saw some of the class flinch, 'No doubt they have PTSD from the USJ, I should let Houndog know' He thought to himself. "The sports festival is coming up. You'll have two weeks to prepare. I advise you train and use this time wisely. As well, my office and Houndog's office will be open should you need to talk or have questions. You are dismissed" he said as he rolled up his sleeping bag and left as the bell rang.

As the class was getting ready to leave, they were stopped at the door by a group of students. Midoriya noticed Bakugo getting ready to explode and he stepped up, placing a hand on his shoulder and stepping g up front.

"Hello Sweeties, can we help you with something?" He asked in his sweet tone. "Wow, Here I thought 1A was a bungled of hardend, Battle ready students. Yet here you are acting all sweet and innocent. I can't wait to take your place." A boy with purple hair and eyebags that could rival Aizawa's. "Oh sweetie, I may be a gentle mother, but I could put you in a corner before you could say All Might" Midoriya Sased back. "Now, if you want any of our spots, please go train and prepare for the Festival, I would love to codle you like all my other children. Until then, please refrain from any violence till then" he said and walked through the stunned crowd.

~Time Skip to the Festival~

Izuku's POV:

I stood there with all my classmates. Throughout the last two weeks, I had helped my kids train and even insisted some go to see Houndog as they started have dark circles under their eyes and I was concerned. Mostly Tsu, I had seen her quite a few times crying and shaking from her nightmares and helped comfort her till she was able to sleep again. Looking over I could see she was practically glowing and the dark circles were gone. I was brought out of my thoughts as I heard Present Mic call us out.

"Welcome the Class with the Brass, Class 1A!!!" Mic shouted and I walked in front of the class and smiled, as Mic continued to announce the classes. "Now for our Officiant, Welcome the R-Rated Hero, Midnight!!"
Standing there was midnight in her signature costume and I glared at Kaminari and Mineta. "Say a word, and you both will be in time-out when we get back." I warned them and blushed as I heard Midnight Snicker. She winked towards me and Smiled. "For our First Year speech, Will Izuku Midoryia, the class Mom, please step up." She said and I blushed and looked to the commentators box, 'He forgot to tell me' I thought and made a gesture of no coffee.

I walked to the podium and took the Mic. "I apologize, I was unaware of having to make a speech." I cleared my through and smiled softy "To all my fellow students, I know we all worked hard to get to where we are at. I understand we all may have a chance to move courses and pursue our dreams, but don't let that thought cloud your vision. We are here, we got into UA and we are here to show our potential. I am so proud of each and every student in attendance. Please, show the world why we earned entry into UA and make your families just as proud of you as I am. I look forward to meeting each of you in combat and seeing what amazing quirks you have. So let's show the world what our school is made of and why we all know to go Plus Ultra!" I smile and seen some students beeming with pride and some crying. Returning the Mic, I returned to class as the first challenge started… Obstacle Race.

Sorry for the short chapter, I was having issues with WattPad. To make up for it, I'll have a long chapter 2k+ words tomorrow, maybe even 2 chapters.

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