Of Nightmares and Secrets Pt 1

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It had been a Rollercoaster of a day for Izuku. First he had to deal with Aizawa, then with Present Mic, who was a stuttering mess as he was made to explain Aizawa's absence. Izuku was tired, and to top it off, he received a text from Nezu about the upcoming Training camp, and what to prepare for.

Sighing, he walked back into the the class Dorms. Everyone looked just as exhausted. Smiling, he look to them, "Hey Kids, how's Katsudon sound for dinner?" He asked ans got a resound answer of "Yes, Please" Only getting a "Make mine spicy" from Bakugou. Smiling, Izuku went upstairs, putting on tight, short cut shorts and a spaghetti strap shirt, both, which hugged his small frame. He didn't want to get dressed in more clothes since he had plans for after dinner. Smiling, he walked downstairs with and into the kitchen with the girls complementing his outfit.

It only took an hour for Izuku to make enough dinner for everyone. Smiling and cleaning the dishes he looks to the class. "Come get it sweeties" he yelled out. After everyone came to collect their plates, they noticed one serving was missing.

"Mom?" Momo started out, "Yes sweetie?" Replied Izuku. "Are you not hungry, are you feeling alright?" She asked worriedly which caught the attention of the rest of the class. "Oh, no sweetie, I… I have plans, and I shouldn't ruin my appetite." He responded before drying his hands off. "Speaking of which, I need to get ready" Izuku smiled and kissed Momo's forehead before dissapearing up the stairs.

Most of the class were confused and looked where whispering to eachother about what was going on. Bakugou, who was getting annoyed, blows an explosion off his hands. "Mom is going out, he has a life too, and I know where he's going. He's going to see his Fiance" he blurts out, his exhaustion making him say things he shouldn't before scowling and looking down in shame and anger. At this the class goes crazy, talking animatedly. This is what Izuku walked into, after changing into a High slit dress that showed off his chest. He had applied a light amount of makeup and was carrying a pair of heels.

"Kacchan," Izuku starts which gets the tired boys attention

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"Kacchan," Izuku starts which gets the tired boys attention. Kneeling infront of him, he lifts his head up to look at him. "It's okay sweetie, they would've found out sooner or later" Izuku explains softly. "Why font you put your dishes in the sink and go to bed, I know your exhausted" Izuku says softly, getting a nod out of the boy. Watching as said boy leaves and goes to bed, Izuku turns around and gives a stern glare. "I'll be out for a few hours, I don't want a bad report from either Momo, or Iida." He says and smiles as he gets a sea of heads shaking. "Okay," he smiles ans claps his hands together, "I'll be back soon." He says and smiles waving as the click clack of his heels can be heard as he carries his small purse out to a cab and leaves.

~Izuku's POV~

'It's been almost a month since I could go out, and this time it took bribing Nezu with some quality tea to be allowed out for so long' I think to myself as I rub my thigh. 'When was the last time he touched me, kissed me, loved me' I think as I start to grip my thigh tightly in anticipation. As my cab comes to a stop infront of a simple apartment complex, I climb out. Softly walking to the door I want, I knock gently.

I don't have to wait long as the door is swung open, and a tall, brown haired man opens the door, his eyes softening as we stare at eachother. "H-Hey, I missed you" I say softly as the man reaches out and brushes my cheek with his soft, gloved hands to prevent his quirk from activating. Behind him masks and hats hang on the walls, some he owned and some I either bought or made for him. "You look good" I whisper as I lean I to his touch. He smiles gently and thumbs my cheek, "As do you, isn't that the dress I got for you" he asks and I nod, living my hand to his, my ring brushing his hand, I smile. "I-I don't like to wear it unless it's for you" I whisper and smile as he leans down and kisses me.

I lift my arms up and wrap them around his neck, kissing him back with a hidden message of need behind the kiss. Smiling as we break apart I take his hand. "I set us up for dinner and a hotel" I say with a gentle wink and he chuckles. We walk out together his impressive suit, accentuated by the black blazer and orange shirt.

I can't help think back to the day I was told I was being wed off. Frowing me and my parents argued, but they simply looked to me, "Honestly, the agreed deal was our first daughter would be wed, but we had a boy. All we ask is that you meet him and go from there."

I smile as I grip his hand firmly, I still can't believe it's been a year already and we're set to get married after the semester is over. I know our relationship is a little different, Me a 16 year old hero in training, him a 18 year old criminal in reformation. He now works as a spy and I worry everything he has to leave. It doesn't take long, and we arrive at the restaurant. "Come On, let's go in" I say ad I take his hand and lead him inside.

~Back at UA~

Most of the students, after eating decided to turn in for the night. All Mights training was brutal today and mist had bruises that were healing or were just drained and tired.

Down in a room, a certain electric boy is crying into his pillow. He had been trying to sleep and couldn't. Having decided he needed help, he took a sleeping pill and layer back. Soon the medication kicked in and Kaminari was our cold. The problem came when a certain quiet spoken boy came to check on his boyfriend. Knocking the boy waited, after a few minutes of standing there and knocking, the boy decided to open the door.

The boy walked into his boyfriends room to see a terrifying sight. Kaminari was thrashing and screaming. "N-No Dad, I'll be good, please don't hit Me like that again." The boy was rambling and thrashing, cuts and bruises forming all over his body. Scared the boy ran out and started pounding on Momo's door.

Momo was sleeping with Jiro using her as a pillow, she was almost asleep when someone was frantically pounding on her door. Groaning she got up and put a robe on. Opening the door she sees the boy crying and trying to keep it together. "Koda? What's wrong?" Momo asked worried. The usually quiet boy, grabs momos hand and runs down the hall dragging said girl behind her. "K-Kaminari" Koda says and Momo rushes. Running into said boy's room, she tries to wake Kaminari up, but he won't budge. Looking around, she finds a box of sleeping pills. 'Extra Strength' is highlighted on the box. "Had he taken these before?" She asks Koda and she frantically shakes his head. "H-He just got those today" he says and Momos now scared.

No matter what Momo tried, Kaminari wouldn't wake up and his nightmare was getting worse. The boy was now screaming and crying, saying things no boy should ever have to go through. Finally Momo grabs Kida's phone. Dialing a number, she lifts the phone to her ear. "Come On, Come On" Momo says before the line connects. "Ngh Ngh, W-Wait, s-low Ahh… M-Momo w-WhAts wrong" Izukus voice is heard. Momo feels bad with what she's about to say. "K-Kaminari took extra strength sleeping pills and is stuck in a nightmare Momma, I can't wake him and he's already hurt himself" Mozmo cries.

"S-Shit, W-Wait baby, I-I…Ngh… Have to gOoo" izuku says. "I'll b-be there soon. K-Keep an ngh eye on him. R-resTRAIN him if you need to." Izuku says ans hands the phone up.

A/N I wanted to apologize about the delay in an update, everything got so busy for me, and I had to put this aside.

Anyways; who do you think Izuku's Fiance is? Until next time

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