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A land far far away lies the kingdom of fiore. A small peaceful nation 17 million and a place filled with magic. Found in every home, bought and sold in every market place. From most magic is merely a tool a mundane part of everyday life.

For some however magic is an art and they've devoted their lives to its practice....these are the wizards. Banded together in the magical gills they ply their skills in search of fame and fortune. Many such as guilds dot the landscape of  fury. But there is a certain guild in a certain town that soars high above the rest, one from which countless legends have been born. A guild that can no doubt continue to create legends well into the future......

It's name is Fairy Tail

"Um, sir?" The conductor says awkwardly, sweatdropping

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"Um, sir?" The conductor says awkwardly, sweatdropping. "Natsu, we're here! Hargeon! Get up! Get up!" The blue feline says as he shakes his owner and friend who is on the ground. This was happy dragneel. Happy is natsu's best friend since childhood.

"Is he alright?" The conductor asks. "He's always like this" a girls voice gains the attention of the conductor. This was Naruko. She was an orphan who received hate in her village. She found the courage to run away at 7 but encountered her soon to be guardian not knowing it was kurama. The nine tailed dragon.

Feeling pity on her, he decides to take her under his wing and teach her demon slaying magic. While doing so she met Natsu who was with Igneel. Unfortunately year 777  both dragons suddenly disappeared, heartbroken about it they set off to find them. A certain master of a guild found them and bought them to fairy tail, that's how she got here.

Natsu on the other hand has a pained expression on his face while he lays on the floor. "I can't handle it... I'll never take the train again..." Natsu groans as his cheeks suddenly puff out. Naruko picks up happy in her arms and began to walk out of the train.

"If the info is correct, "Salamander" should be in this town. Let's go." The cat says from naruko's arms. Natsu leans out the window while his friend speaks. "L-Let me rest for a bit..." Natsu says weakly.

But before the pink haired guy could have his rest, more coal is loaded into the train and it once again starts moving...With Natsu still inside. Naruko turns around to see the train racing off while Natsu dangles out the window, crying. "Save me!" He yells as the train moves.

"There he goes" Naruko and happy say in unison watching Natsu "enjoy" his train ride again. "He's such an idiot" she says sighing. "But you looooove him" happy teases. "Shut it cat!" Naruko immediately responds back, embarrassed.

She and Natsu are childhood friends. Since then she has had a crush on him and practically everybody knows it. The problem is Natsu is so oblivious. Back when they were kids a certain someone by the name of Lisanna tried to get them together. But Natsu was also oblivious but who can blame him he was kid.

But now...he's just an idiot. But he's naruko's idiot and she likes that too.

 But he's naruko's idiot and she likes that too

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"Damn, I ended up taking the train again." Natsu groaned as he tries to recover from the train ride.
"And you're no good at riding things, Natsu." Happy pointed out.

"Not to mention I'm starving..." Natsu whined. "And we don't have any money." Naruko reminded them which made happy and Natsu groan.

"Say, guys .. This "salamander" we're looking for has gotta be  Igneel, right?" Natsu asks looking at his partners. "Aye it has to be because the only fire dragon I've ever heard of is igneel" happy reassures his friend. "That's true" Naruko adds in.

"Salamander is so hot!"


"You're so wonderful!"

"Burn me!"

The trio heard the name salamander and instantly got excited. "Salamander!" They all shouted turning to each other excitedly.

They take off running toward the crowd. "We'll speak of the devil we're in luck today!" Natsu shouted happily resulting in happy saying "aye". "Finally" Naruko shouted happily.

In the crowd, a man with blue hair and two rings on his right hand is posing and "charming" the ladies. "Lovely!" He says making the girls all blush and squeal with hearts in their eyes.

Natsu and Naruko suddenly breaks through the crowd with an excited expression on their face. "Igneel it's me!" Natsu yelled in excitement. Suddenly there was a pregnant silence.

"Who the heck are you?" Naruko deadpans at the man. Salamander jumps back, surprised. "Who am I?? I am Salamander surely you've heard of me before" he says smirking but is cutoff."Nope" Natsu responds as he, Naruko and happy began walking away without even looking."Hey wait a minute!" Salamander says getting in a depressed mode.

Completely out of nowhere he gets attacked by fan girls. "You better apologize to him" says one angry girl. "I'm gonna rip you to shreds" the other threatened."I didn't even do anything! What is it with you girls?!" Natsu says in fear. "Now no that's enough my lovelies let him go . I'm sure the poor boy didn't mean anything malicious by it" salamander says smirking. Suddenly the girls all shift from angry to heart-eyed once again.

Salamander writes his name stylized on a board and tries to hand it to Natsu. "And here's my autograph kid. Now you can brag to all your friends"

"no thanks" Natsu replied resulting in Natsu laying on the ground, twitching. "Guess it wasn't him after all" Naruko says sighing disappointed.

"Definitely not him" Natsu grunts in pain. "Well I'm afraid I must be going ladies. I have business to attend to." Salamander says fake pouting. "Aww leaving already?" The girls ask in unison.

"Time for the red carpet" he says snapping his fingers and a glyph appears in front of him, creating a spiral of purple flames to carry him into the air. "I'm having a party on my ship this evening! Everyone, please attend!" Salamander announces before using his magic to blast into the air, while the girls scream with excitement.

"Who the heck was that guy?" Natsu asks. "A real creep. Hey, I'm Lucy. and thanks "Lucy says waving at the trio making Natsu and happy look at eachother and Naruko tilt her head in confusion. "Huh?"

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