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The thunder was loud.

That was the only thought that Diluc could comprehend as he walked into the knight's headquarters, not caring about the looks he received from those around him.

Dragging himself to a familiar office, he'd bring a trail of water behind him, reaching into the soaked pocket of his coat, fumbling with a piece of metal before unlocking the door, his brows twitching ever so slightly. Everything had been stripped. Kaeya's books, collective vases, scarves, capes, Kaeya's everything. It was all gone. All but his vision, which sat on the desk beside a weapon that he knew all too well. His mind was hazy, stepping forward and gently closing the door behind him, the soft click only making his situation all the more real.

He could feel himself getting emotional. The thoughts and feelings that had been stuffed far into his stomach bubbling back up.

Stripping himself of his coat and wrapping it around the back of what was once his brothers chair. Stepping out of his boots, he'd reach down, picking them up and placing them beside the vision. The vision that was once full of life- full of ambition. The vision that was now dull, stripped of all colour. The icy aroma that he once found comfort in now nowhere to be found. It was saddening, really. But there, in those two items, were so many memories. Memories of his father custom-crafting his boots for him to wear when he finally grew big enough to fulfill his dreams of adventuring. His dreams that he once shared with his brother. Memories of him and his only other friend roaming the plains together, running around until their bodies grew numb. Or in the winter months, when despite the frostbite licking at their fingers, they'd still go outside and make the most of their precious time with one another. Before getting hurried back inside by Adeline, indicating that their father was home. It comforted him, in a way. To know that once, before things became complicated, that they were friends. Brothers.

Reaching into his pant pocket, he'd force himself out of his daze, instead pulling out a small, stained piece of paper. Reaching for the sword, picking it up with such caution, replacing it with the small sheet of parchment. Watching as it rested, not blowing away, despite the windy weather, as if it knew its purpose.

Turning his attention to the blade in his hand, the redhead stared at the blood-stained sword in front of him, a single tear falling from his cheek as his grip tightened. Swallowing the lump in his throat, his gaze studying it. 'Twas a beautiful piece, with elegant engravings on the handle that wrapped and danced up the blade. He always loved how it looked on Kaeya. The cool, blue-like steel of the weapon sturdy. It made for a reliable weapon, serving as a testament to the great adventures of its old master. His gaze softened as he remembered how Kaeya used to fight. He'd memorised the blue-haired boy's style. Down, down, up, forward, then back. He'd always been so elegant with his techniques, a beautiful contrast to his own, more ragged technique. As a child he'd always attempted to copy his brothers' ways, only to fail, instead finding comfort in his bulky claymore. Kaeya always said it suited him, but now, standing here, with this beautiful, stained sword in his hand, he couldn't help but think of how lovely he'd look with it pierced through his heart.

Hesitantly, he lifted it to his neck, the cool steel making his hairs stand on end, goosebumps littering across his scarred skin. It had been a sleepless month, every night unable to bare the terrors he had when he finally rested, the last words of his brother haunting his thoughts, ringing in his ears, stirring his dreams.

Sighing, he pressed the blade deeper into his flesh, a warm trail of blood trickling down. His expression softening as he winced ever so slightly, Diluc forced the blade away from him, swallowing heavily as he pondered of what he was about to do. Was it really worth it? Sure, he wanted to see Kaeya again, but was this the only option?


There truly was no other option, not to Diluc, atleast.

There was no going back now.

He knew he was doing the right thing. It had to be, right? After all, Kaeya should've been eternal. But he wasn't. And he was gone. All that he could do whilst he was still breathing was to send every prayer, every ounce of faith to beg every Archon to allow him to rest peacefully. He'd once promised Kaeya that they'd be together, forever, no matter the circumstances, no matter the cost. And this was the price he had to pay to keep that oath.

Taking a ragged breath, the man hesitated for a moment before thrusting the sharp blade into his chest, leaning forward, the pain rushing through his body like electricity through wires. Breathing as if his lungs wouldn't accept the thing he'd needed to live for so long. And though it hurt, the redhead wore a smile, a sickening grin as two singular tears ran down his cheeks. One for him. One for Kaeya. Both landing in the crimson that pooled below him. It wasn't long before his knees finally gave in, his numb body dropping to the ground as one final thought crossed his mind. It was a memory, of sorts, with the two brothers skipping around the grape fields with one another as children, recalling stories from their shared fathers' travels, laughing as they imagined what bright of a future they'd have. How he missed those days.
"Till we meet again, Kaeya," he felt the words roll off his tongue. The words that were so familiar. The words that he had spat at the blue haired boy the night he received his ice-cold smirk. His ice-cold vision. Sighing a sigh of relief as he closed his eyes, feeling his consciousness slowly slip away as he fell into an eternal slumber. His body left lifeless on the floor of his late brother's office, blood pooling around him. And plastered on his pale face, was nothing. No grief. No regret. Nothing. Nothing but a tired, sickly smile, knowing that his time was well spent.

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