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"If humanity loses the Scouts, that means humanity loses its spear" Erwin bargains as he looks up at the King, "when an enemy closes in, you guard not with a shield, but with the spear that eliminates the threat. Suppose now, in this instant, Wall Rose were to be breached... the residents of Wall Rose would again flee and take refuge in Wall Sina. But the earlier evacuation left stockpiles with no more than a few days at best. In the blink of an eye, most residents would be forced to fight for survival. Wall Rose and Sina... humanity would be split into two factions and civil war would erupt. Even if the wall was not breached, Wall Rose is continually suffering a food shortage. It may not be the titans that breach Wall Sina... there's a chance the residents of Wall Rose will do it first. Reclaim Wall Maria. If humanity is to ever hope for a future, that is the only way".

"Are you implying that the Scouts are needed for such a cause?" one of the King's men asks as he sits in his chair.

"Our duty as Scouts has always been to charge forth at the enemy" Erwin continues, "cowering away will not solve anything. Or could it be... you have some kind of secret plan to overcome this ordeal?".

"Erwin, I don't think you understand" the same man says as he glances away, "the reason your here today is not to discuss our future within the walls, nor is it because of something as simple as murder. Clause Six, Charter of Humanity. 'Thou shalt not prioritise one's own gain over the longevity of humanity'. You're here for this grave offence. You've refused to hand over Eren and Evelyn Jaeger multiple times. In doing so, you violated the Charter".

"But Eren and Evelyn are vital for reclaiming Wall Maria!" Erwin says persistently.

"That is not for the Scouts to decide!" the man says, "Eren Jaeger is a titan who's powers are not understood, and Evelyn Jaeger is a mutant human who's power are also not understood! Sheltering them within the walls is a risk to humanity! It's absurd for a single Commander to have control of them alone. And yet, you stubbornly persisted in some plan of yours. Not only did you feign their abduction and seal the two of them... but you silenced Deemo Reeves since he knew of your plan. This is clearly treason. It is not a stretch to say that you are a threat to humanity as well. Commander Pixis. The Garrison and Scout Regiment both risk their lives on the front line. How are we to know that you're not his comrade?".

"I'm quite disturbed that you believe we'd align ourselves with the Scouts" Commander Pixis says as he stands near Erwin, "nothing is more senseless than killing human beings. In this cramped world that we humans have, one spark will engulf all in no time. When it came to defend Trost District, that's what I told my soldiers before sending many to their deaths. If the Scout Regiment is that one spark, it should be smothered at once. After all, if the titans do manage to break the wall and find hardly anyone left inside, those poor titan might go hungry".

"Very well. Allow us to discuss" the man says with a slight chuckle, "Your Majesty, may we?".

The four men start to discuss amongst themselves as Erwin kneels where he is, not bothered.

Erwin. Is this how you want things to end?

Nile asks as he looks at Erwin.

"In the name of the King, I will announce your judgement" the man says as he turns to look at Erwin, "Erwin Smith. For violating Clause Six of the Charter of Humanity, you are sentenced to death. Your execution will be carried out immediately. Take him".

Is this what you wanted, Erwin?

Nile asks as one of the guards goes to grab Erwin. Nile watches as Erwin stands up and sees the look on his face... a smirk. Just then, the doors the room burst open.

"Wall Rose has been breached!" a female member of the Garrison announces as she salutes, "the Colossal titan appeared out of nowhere! Along with the Armoured titan, they broke through both gates of Calaneth District! Currently, refugees from the East are flocking here for safety!".

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