▸ chapter 1.

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Chapter 1

"Cut!" the director yells, causing the assembled crew and performers to groan. "I swear to God, Teddy, is it really so fucking difficult to keep the boom out of the shot? All right, take five then reset. Jesus."

Hyunsuk slumps back in the canvas chair and snaps his fingers at Chaeyoung, hovering as she is behind his shoulder. She sighs inwardly and leans down, iPad in hand. "Yes?" she asks, schooling her voice to patience.

"Get me a coffee. Black. Four sugars."

She bites back her initial reaction and murmurs with faux-sweetness, "Coming right up."

As she walks over to catering (that's an overstatement, it's literally a trestle table laid out with an assortment of baked goods sweating under the studio lights) she takes a few calming breaths.

This is just for a few days, she keeps telling herself, even if she has to compromise her integrity for the duration. Because she needs the money and, well, it's work experience. It doesn't make her a bad feminist. Sighing again, she pours the coffee and begins scooping heaps of sugar into it.

"Sweet tooth, huh?"

She hadn't heard anyone approach and the husky quality of the woman's voice jolts Chaeyoung, causing her to miss the mug with the spoon entirely. She curses under her breath and it's met by soft laughter.

She looks up from the sugary mess to catch sight of bright chestnut eyes. She blinks and refocuses.

The woman standing beside her is gorgeous.

"It's not for me; it's for Hyunsuk."

"Our glorious leader," the woman says, heavy sarcasm underlining her words. She sweeps a hand through her long brunette hair to move it off her face. "He thinks he's some fucking auteur because he wears a turtleneck. He's an asshole."

Chaeyoung hums her agreement and returns her gaze to the coffee, measuring one last scoop of sugar and stirring the disgusting concoction.

"You're new, right?" the woman asks.

"Just started today."

"This your first shoot?"

"Yes." Chaeyoung tries to strike an air of nonchalance. "I mean, I've worked on a couple of student films before but nothing like this."

A smile tugs at the brunette's lips. "It can be pretty... eye-opening to begin with but you'll get used to it."

"What is it you do around here?" Chaeyoung asks, out of politeness.

The other woman's smile widens and she leans her hip against the edge of the table. She pulls her bottom lip between her teeth as she looks at Chaeyoung as if gauging her. "I'm an actress."

"Oh." For the first time, Chaeyoung takes in the fluffy white toweling robe that she's wearing and her eyes widen slightly as the realization sinks in. "Oh."

"Yeah, I'm used to that reaction."

"I'm sorry, I don't mean to be—" Chaeyoung says quickly, a hard blush flaming her cheeks. "Sorry."

The woman doesn't appear to be offended. If anything she seems delighted by Chaeyoung's flustered expression. She reaches out, touches Chaeyoung's wrist and Chaeyoung tries to ignore how her skin tingles.

"Hey, relax. It's—"

"Everybody back to their places!" Hyunsuk shouts through the loudspeaker, making Chaeyoung jump and nearly spill scalding hot liquid over herself. Considering there are only eight members of cast and crew and the studio is tiny, the loudspeaker is completely unnecessary. "Where the fuck is my coffee? Chaeyoung!"

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