Chapter two

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I was dancing with Kol when my brother Nik came over.

"We need to talk." He said to me

"Okay?" I said confused

I followed him into the next room and i sat down on the couch.

"Mikael found us." He said softly

"What?" I said shocked

"We gotta go." He sighed

"Not again. We just settled in." I said

"I know but we have no choice." He said sternly

"Let's have one last night." He nodded

"Pack your bags later, okay?." He said

"Okay." I nodded

I walked back into the other room and sat down as I sighed.

"I know it's not ideal darling but at least we're all together." Kol said

"That's true." I nodded

"Well come on brother one last celebration before we go again

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"Well come on brother one last celebration before we go again." I smiled

"Go on, I'll be there in a second." He said

I walked out of the room and I bumped into a hard chest.

I looked up and I saw mikael as my heart dropped as he smirked at me.

"Hello sweetheart." He said softly

"Mikael." I said sternly

"Where are the others?" He asked me

"Go to hell." I spat

He grabbed hold of my hair roughly and threw me into the wall.

My eyes turned dark and my fangs came out as I tried to bite him.

"Your an abomination." He said angrily

"No! that's all you." I said coldly

I pushed him away and ran to find the others to get out of there.

"Nik." I screamed

"What is it?" He asked me

"Mikael, he's here." I said

"We have to go." I said sternly

"Find rebekah." He nodded

He rushed off and he got the boys as I saw rebekah was flirting with some guy.

"Beks, it's Mikael we gotta go." I said

"Let's go." She said sternly

I took her hand and we ran to find our brothers as mikael stood in front of us.

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