Chapter four

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"Are you coming to the bar?" I asked Rebekah

"Sure." She nodded

"Freya?" I asked

"Sounds like fun." She smiled

"Brothers?" I said looking at them

"Yeah I'm in, darling." Kol nodded

"Sure." Elijah said

"Sounds like a plan, love." Klaus smiled

We all walked out of the front door and then walk to the bar.

I saw Dean and then I sat down at the table next to him.

"Hey." I smiled

"Hey." He smirked

"Where's Sam?" I asked him

"He's in the bathroom." He chuckled

" He chuckled

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"Oh." I smiled

"Do you want a drink?" He asked me

"Yes please." I nodded

"Same as last time?" He said

"Yes." I smiled

He got up and walked over to the bar and ordered us drinks.

He walked back over and he set the drink in front of me as I smiled.

"Hey Abigail." Sam said

"Hi Sam." I smiled

Sam walks over to my siblings and then starts up a conversation with them.

I was drunk and dancing with Dean as he spun me around.

It was 2:00 am and I was super exhausted as we staggered back to mine.

I fell down on the stairs as Dean picked me up and walked into my room.

I threw my clothes off and laid down on my bed as he got in.

He wraps his arms around my waist and he kisses my forehead softly.

I was tracing his tattoo on his chest and sat up as I looked at him.

"What's your tattoo mean?" I asked him

"Uhh it's a family thing." He said to me

"Okay?" I said confused

I closed my eyes and fell asleep against his chest as I was safe.

I woke up the next morning and he was gone as I sat up.

"Dean?" I called out

I picked my phone up and I looked at a text that he sent me.

Had to pop out x

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