school bus

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The three feder kids were waiting for the bus along with their dad

Roxane drove past them, going to work. "Have a great first day, my gorgeous children. I love you all!"

They all responded with 'bye' 'goodbye 'love you too'

"So Greg last day of school last chance to ask out Nancy arbuckle," said keithie

Greg almost tripped over nothing

"Nancy, arbuckle you like a girl? is that why you take long showers?" replied lenny, already knowing the answer

"No, im just conditioning my hair. That's all I do," said greg

"That's not what the deer told me,"  laughed out lenny

"That deer is a liar!" yelled greg

Lenny laughed hysterically

"he's too chicken out to ask her out, dad.  she's the hottest girl in school and Greg's fugly"keithie pointing at greg

"So what he's fugly all the men in this family are fugly, that doesn't stop us  from getting the hot chicks... I mean, look at me and look at your mother it makes no sense, only in like a Hollywood movie or something. "

Lenny continued to bounce the ball on his daughters head

"So what? keithie is right"

"No, because you're gonna use my 3 step rule one.make the girl smile two.tell her she has a nice smile and three.tell her she has to go out with you that night

"Why that night?" asked greg

"because it gives her less time to think about how fugly you are. Because you are fugly!"

Greg scoffed, not believing it would even work on one girl

"That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard and I'm too chicken to ask her out dad"

Lenny pointed at him angrily

"Hey you're a feder. Feders aren't afraid of women buddy. That's not the way I'm raising you"

Keithie suddenly remembered

"Oh hey by the way dad did you ask my mom if I can play football?"

"No I was scared! I'm afraid she's gonna yell at Me in that accent no one understands"

*time skip*

Lenny picked up all the kids for school. Instead of the bus driver, he stopped at Kurt's house, opening the door and making a silly face

"Hello kids, I'm your new bus driver," he said mockingly

Kurt laughed "wow Lenny finally got yourself a job?"

Lenny laughed and turned to Diane. "Hi Diane, happy anniversary!"

Diane awkwardly smiled "wow Lenny remembered! And I never got him pregnant. How sweet" Kurt got in the bus whispering to Lenny

"She forgot?" "Yes!"No!"I got the biggest get out of jail card."No! I want one of those" grumbled Lenny

Kurt turned to his wife. "Don't worry that you forgot the 20th, sweetheart. I'm sure you'll remember the 30th."

"I love you," said Diane, clearly pissed

"I'm sure you do....deep down." Kurt was really pushing it. the bus doors closed as Diane whispered death threats under her breath

Lenny drove the kids to school suddenly, hearing commotion in the back

Your pov:

I was sitting next to one of lennys children on the schoolbus when a kid in the form  of an exercise ball came and taunted one of the kids about her boots that y/n really liked... It suited the girl but a little bit more lights and the boots would be able to communicate to outer space

"Hey, where did you get those boots? Losers are us?" said the bully

"I made them," replied Donna, looking quite disgusted by the boy

"You made them? In a toilet?!" The kid started laughing at his own jokes

"Hey, leave her alone!" said keithie, his name was..... I think...

He grabbed his shirt

"What did you say, Hollywood?"

I looked at him in a bored expression

"Leave him alone, Mariah Carey," I said

"What did you say?!" he said, trying to look cool

I stood up, "I said, leaving him alone, rapunzel." I could hear the driver who turned out it be lenny and the others laughing,"and please stop buying your jokes from Craigslist. "

He grabbed my hand. I twisted it and kneed him down under. he got on his knees and let out a groan

I scoffed "gross....and patchetic good job" everybody was laughing now I sat back down keithie laughed and turned to me "thanks for standing up to me" he said smiling I smiled back" don't worry bout' it little feder" I ruffled his hair

The bully stood up about to say something

"Bean bag with arms and legs please take a seat, or seats before someone gets hurt" everybody, including me, laughed again

"You're dead, man," said the bully keithie smile fell
"Don't worry, keithie, I took quite a liking for you, so as long as I'm here, there's no harm done." he smiled again

We finally arrived the bully got down and lenny siad "bye repunzel" I laughed keithie got down and i followed him lenny stopped me "thanks for looking out for him" "dont worry abut it feder I took quite a liking for the kid he's nice and defended Donna quite a good boy oh and I'm y/n by the way" I said laughing he laughed to and ruffled my hair

I walked away. "She's nice. I've never met a teen this nice before," said lenny, turning to kurt

He hummed, "yea even my kids aren't this nice"

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