trip to eric's mom's house

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Lenny finally got the kids to school

He overheard the conversation the principle and the janitor were having "can you belive it they're graduating" then he looked at the letters spray painted on his car "and all the right spelling are these my kids?" he opened the door only to see blue paint gushing out from the inside

Then he walked over to the bus "can you guys belive it? Calender turns to June and my students become animals"

Lenny mumbled under his breath "maybe they're mad that's you keep going to baby gap to buy your clothes"

Principal tardio then turned to the school bus looking up at nick "and remember today is only half a day!"

"And half a shirt, right?" Said lenny referring to the principals shirt, which looked like it was cut in half."What did you say?"

Lenny quickly saved it by saying "oh I said he wants to wave goodbye to you." "Oh ok." he looked inside, seeing the bus driver moving, like crazy.he waved back and walked away.

Lenny turned to kurt "wanna see something funny" he started tugging on the strings connected to nicks arms making him look like a crazy person waving his arms around then he started chanting "monkey boy! Monkey boy! Monkey!" He finally let go as they decided to go visit Eric at his moms house

They got to the house seeing Eric what looks like making out with a women on his front porch "look at him he's back at it again" "why isn't he at work"

Lenny shrugged "it's just- that woman has got a grip on's ridiculous it's gonna ruin his marriage"

Eric oulls back revealing he was just hugging his mother "thank you for breakfast mommy" she smiled "will you be coming by to watch days of our lives later?"

Eric shrugged "well we got to find out which twin murdered Renaldo right?" His mom laughed "we sure do"

Eric hurried running over to the school bus while lenny shouted "hey Mrs.lamonsoff, good to see you!" She waved back "nice school bus lenny." "Thank you! Have a great day!"

Then lenny turned to Eric "did mommy make the boo boo go away?" Eric looked back "don't tell the wife" then he realized what was happening "what are you guys doing?!" Lenny and Kurt laughed "get in."

They go to k-mart losing nick on the way as he went to sleep in one of the beds

The three went through the garden section as they saw Malcom "hey Malcom j didn't know you worked here..and apparently the hair on top of your head didn't know it ,either" Lenny laughed referring to the man's bold spot on the top of his head Malcom looked around offended releasing a high pitched "whaat!"

Next went Eric "do me a favor go like this" He leaned his head down "I think I got something in my teeth" he joked as if his bald spot Mas a mirror "whaat!"

Then kurt "you know next time you should use that chia pet stuff kn your whole head" Malcom looked at him confused "whaaat!" They laughed but stopped as lenny saw Higgins buying a knife mumbling to himself "oh yeah you think youre tough?"

Kurt went in for the last pitch "hey Malcom, is that the knife Indians used to half-scalp you with?" Malcom looked at him confused "I don't even get that...whaat!"

Then they started lightly slapping his head for a "little cheering up" 

Higgins was buying a knife while the others were bothering malcolm

Lenny went over "yo crocodile dumb-dee howd it go with the kids"

Higgins started Turing the knife in his hands"good good they're in school! "

Lenny looked puzzled" kids are in school for one day? "

"I didn't know what else to do lenny theyre thugs she cut a head of a Teddy bear imagine what she'll do to me! "

Lenny smirked" you're scared of your daughter?"" and son" added Higgins as if it was better "so that's what the knife is for to threaten them?" "yea so they don't threaten me!" lenny scoffed "what are thir names?" he asked curious "bradon and y/n" lennys eyes widened "y/n?! No way I met her today,nice girl defended my son from a bully also beat his ass" replied lenny laughing "what no way the y/n I met was cold SHE CUT A HEAD OF MY TEDDY BEAR"

"maybe it's because she didn't have a father for the last 16 years idiot" he hit his head and walked off

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