Chapter 12: Sometimes

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Cleo POV

"Thanks Sia." I told her as I closed her door and walked up to Nique's front door. I rang the doorbell and waited. When she opened the door she smiled so big.

"Hi! What are you doing here?" She said as she pulled me in her house and kissed me.

"I missed you." I told her.

"Come on, let's go catch up." She said and we walked upstairs to her room and she closed the door. "So I thought yall weren't coming back until tomorrow."

"Yeah well something occured," I plopped down on the bed. "and we had no choice but to come back to Florida. How have you been?"

"I have been fine without talking to my girlfriend for 5 days. Care to tell me what 'occured' that required no communication?"

I was debating on whether or not I should tell her. I mean she is my girlfriend and we don't like to keep secrets, but at the same time Charisma is her best friend and they tell eachother everything too. Then my phone vibrated, disrupting my thoughts:

AllyBear - I swear to God Cleo, if you tell Nique what happened I WILL hurt you.

It's like he psychic or something.

Me - well come pick me up then!

Kaleb POV

I walked back into my room and JaJa was putting her stuff in her bag. I jhii didn't want her to leave tho, not just because we were makin' out but she's a cool chick. A part of me wants to get to know her but another part doesn't want to because that's the same turn I made that sent me down the road with Staci.

"What you doing now?"

"I have to get home and rest if I'm gonna be able to go to gymnastics tomorrow. I have a competition coming up."

"Oh, well you need a ride home right?" I asked. She nodded. I grabbed her bag and put it on my shoulder and grabbed my keys. I put on my J's and this chick jumped on my back for some reason. "You know you not light right?" I said.

"Shut up and walk."

"If we fall down these steps I'm fuckin' you up."

"You just got to believe Lebby!" She said as we walked down the steps. We made it to the bottom and she smacked me in my head. "That's for not believing."

I chuckled and dropped her. "That's for hitting me." I told her.

"Jason!!" She yelled.

"You a lil snitch, ma."

"What happened to your foot?" Jason asked her as he helped her up.  

"I was coming off the vault and I landed on the side of my foot. It hurts." She explained. My phone vibrated:

Vanya - i thought we were supposed to be studying ?

"Yeah, you should take her home. I just remembered I have homework." I told Jason. He shook his head and told her to come on.

I texted Vanya back:

Me - i thought so too, so whats up?

"Bye Kaleb." Jalisa said. I smiled at her as she limped out the garage door.

"You are horrible." Ray told me.

"Damn, you came outta nowhere." I said.

"So did Vanya." She said. I stared at her as she walked into the kitchen. I was about to follow her but the doorbell rang. I went to answer it and there was just a package on the step. I picked it up as I closed the door. The package read:

                                                  To: Natalie Carter 

                                         From: The Coexistence Group 

                                                        Atlanta G.A.

"Ma!" I called. My dad came down the steps instead.

"She's sleep, what's wrong? Who was at the door?" He asked.

"This." I said, giving him the small box. He looked at it and his eyes got big. "What is it?"

"Nothing, go do your homework or something." He told me as he walked to the back of the house. I shrugged it off and walked back to my room.

Dani POV

I was at my baby's house 'cause for some reason, my mom really trusts me with him. Plus, her and my dad, well step-dad, have been acting really weird lately. I've been investigating that though. He was about to take me home but for now we were on the couch just sitting in comfortable silence until we feel like getting up.

"Daniella." He said.


Immanuel is the only person I let call me Daniella and he knows that.

"Can I ask you somethin'?"

"No." I joked. He looked down at me with his eyebrow raised. I turned around in his lap and wrapped my legs around him. "I'm just playing, what?"

"I want you to talk normal Dani." He said, referring to my Brooklyn dialect; that's where I'm originally from. I stared at him.

"Uhh, no thanks."

"What daddy say about sayin' no to him?" He joked.

I sighed and got up to put my shoes on. "I think we should go, before I get in trouble."

"Damn Dani, what's so bad about the way you talk?"

"Nothing, can we just go." I said.

He sighed and got up and we went outside and into his car. "Stop acting like a child Dani. I remember you saying you got messed with when you were little, is that why?"

"Something like that." I told him. "Can we just talk about it later, please?"

When we pulled in front of my house, I grabbed my purse as I mumbled "bye" and got out the car. But Manny grabbed my arm, making me look at him. He grabbed my face and kissed me sweetly.

"I'm sorry." He said.

"No need to apologize, I'll see you later." I said quickly and got out the car. I opened my front door and walked into the house. My step-dad is in Seattle on business as usual, I have no idea where my mom is.

Sometimes, I wish my mom had stayed in Brooklyn.


Questions :

1) Should Cleo tell Nique what she knows ?

2) What was that package for ?

3) Where's Dani's real dad ? Do you think she should confide in Manny about EVERYTHING in her past ?

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