Chapter two

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"So to find x you will have to make it smaller, so you come down to only x on one side

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"So to find x you will have to make it smaller, so you come down to only x on one side. you have to do that by either multiplying, dividing, subtracting or adding numbers that are for you to find out, but what shall you always do?"

Mr Lee asked out in the class, Madeline looked up from her notebook, filled with doodles and notes. Only to see zero fingers in the air, it was an easy question, but often people just didn't want to answer.

"Thank you Miss Kang" Madeline raised her hand "Divid, multiply, add or subtract on both sides." Mr Lee nodded his head "Precisely miss Kang, okay class start on page 34" Madeline opened her maths book, stating where she left off

"How you understand maths, I will never know," Ji-ah stated. Ji-ah was one of Madeline's few girl friends in school. She was the toughest girl Madeline knew, but she also grew up with 5 brothers. Her pretty, clean look hid her chaotic and tough personality.

Madeline laughed, "It's not that hard." Ji-ah gave zero fuck about school, to tell the truth. She never did her homework and slept through most of the classes, but she was still pretty smart, they both knew. "Are you sitting with us for lunch?" Ji-ah asked, referring to their small group of girls. "Yeah sure"

"ringgggg." The clock rang through the classroom, making Madeline stand up and start to  pack her things. Her and Ji-ah walked out the classroom together, making their way toward the cafeteria, stopping at their locker before making their way there

As Madeline and Ji-ah were getting food, they met Violet and Aera,
They were also a part of their group. Violet was from Australia, a pretty girl with long blond hair. Madeline loved her, she was sweet, caring and had a great personality. Aera was the opposite, a short beautiful girl, with short curly black hair. She was a very loud, honest person.

The two girls were best friends, which Madeline always found funny because of their so different personalities. Guess they were so different that they were perfect for each other, like yin and yang. Aera was Violet's missing loudness, and Violet was Aera's missing calmness.

As they found an empty table, they all sat down, Madeline being the only one without a tray. She wasn't a fan of eating in general, an Ed she got when she was little. She always told the girls, it was just the school food she didn't like, not wanting them to worry.

No one but Taehyung knew about her lack of eating, so he would always feed her or be there to make sure she ate.
"I'm never getting over how you don't eat lunch, Maddy," Ji-ha stated, looking at Madeline. Who sat there looking at the other's trays filled with different kinds of dishes. "Me neither" Madeline herself shrugged her shoulders along with her answer.

"Hii" looking to her left, Madeline found her closest friend in the group, Jiwoo. She was Yoongi's little sister, and she and Madeline had known each other since they were 10 and 9. Ji-woo was a year younger than Madeline, and the rest of the group who all were in year 2 at campus.

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