Chapter Two

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Wilbur spent the entire day waiting for something to happen.

There had been a heavy weight settled over the household, a tension that lingered on the edge of everyone's awareness as they went about their usual routine. Wilbur and his mother, Kristin, prepared breakfast together, as Phil droned on about the plan for the day with Technoblade. Apparently, after they made certain 'the beast' was secured, they'd patrol the outer perimeter of the village, in case any Unseelie fae had managed to track them down to prepare a counterattack and breakout. Still, Wilbur felt like at any moment, Phil would reveal that he knew what Wilbur had done, and the illusion of peace would be completely shattered.

"Lapis, are you alright? You're a bit quiet today."

Wilbur looked over at his mother, "I'm fine."

"Is this about our argument yesterday?" Phil interrupted, "Lapis, I know you're worried about the potential consequences for capturing the Unseelie King, but this is a chance to save countless lives. We can't just toss it away because a fae will act like a fae."

"It's not like that. It's just... I've been thinking about it, and I really think you should have gone over your options more" Wilbur took a breath, "With such severe repercussions, capturing a fae king on a whim is a terrible idea."

"Well, you don't exactly have a lot of experience with the fae to back that up. There is only so much you can learn from books" Phil countered.

"Emerald" Kristin chided.

Technoblade said nothing as he appeared to have discovered something of great interest in his breakfast.

"This isn't something to be taken lightly, Quartz. Lapis can't be playing around with such monsters. We do what we need to so people can be safe, and nothing is going to change that" Phil continued.

"I'm going to go meditate" Wilbur announced in place of excusing himself.

"Lapis, wait-"

Wilbur waved off the concern, "I need to get my energy sorted if I'm going to be doing any magic today. Better sooner rather than later."

Kristin rose to her feet and placed a hand on Wilbur's shoulder, "You do what you have to do. I'm busy assisting the healers today, but we should make some time for me to read your cards. You do have your wedding coming up."

Yeah, the wedding Phil arranged for me, Wilbur thought bitterly.

"Of course," Wilbur tried to let any concerns bleed into his voice, "It would be an honor."

Don't get him wrong - Sally was a nice girl. She helped out around the village, was a talented hunter herself and they hadn't exactly been rude to each other. But she had made it clear that she was as interested in him as he was in her. Which was to say, not at all. But their families both agreed it was the best. Mostly because the village needed more hunters and more witches, and who better to provide both of those then a talented hunter and the only available witch in the village. Wilbur couldn't argue with it, it wasn't like he'd ever get any other chance to find anything close to love.

After he was certain he had covered himself completely, Wilbur left his home. Or, at least, he left the main house. As the head of the village of fae hunters, as well as the person who found the first witch to work with them, Phil tended to make quite a lot whenever the fae hunters were called to deal with any problems. Especially when they were called on missions to castles or grand estates. So, separate enough from the house for peace but near enough for convenience, was an area dedicated to casting. A small cottage filled with different resources, with a small garden area for outdoor rituals.

Burning Iron and Honey Sweet Promises (TNTDUO/Quackbur)Where stories live. Discover now