Chapter ten

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Clemont landed near a familiar-looking city, luckily into a snowbank. But his Aipom arm was completely busted. He'd have to try and fix that, later. No worries; the future was now, thanks to science!!

He noticed that Chespin was mumbling in pain, hanging onto his leg.

"Chespin!" Clemont at first wanted to scold the Pokémon, but then he saw that it was injured. "Oh, what am I going to do with you?" He sighed. Chespin chattered as if to say sorry, nuzzling into him with its spikes down. "Hey, don't worry. We'll find a pokemon center and get you some help, and then meet up with the others." He began to get up, walking along the path. "Seems like Snowbelle's nearby. What luck, right? We can stop by there and get you help, and then meet up with Korrina and wait for the others to find us! How does that sound?"

"Ches! Chespin!" His Chespin chattered in a weak but happy tone. Clemont smiled. "We can also check up on Jessie while we're at it and make sure she's okay! Maybe she'll wake up by the time we get there! And then we can get James and the others here and the two can reunite!"

"Ches!" Chespin thrust its hands up triumphantly. Clemont patted its head and began gathering his things to put back into his backpack, keeping note that he still had all of his Poké for Dedenne. It must still be with Bonnie.

Wait...Bonnie!!! Where was his sister?? Clemont looked all around for her, calling for her a bit. She might've gotten separated from him while they were blasting off; but where could she be? Somewhere else in the massive Kalos region...oh dear...

Clemont massaged his forehead. "She must be with Ash or Serena, huh?" he asked, Chespin watching him with its head tilted to the side. "Well, I can at least hope she's safe. That was a nasty fall. I might've broken something if my aipom arm didn't cushion my fall..." He found himself thinking aloud, lifting the injured Chespin into his arms. "I wonder if that's always how Jessie, James, and Meowth feel. James was certainly beat up when we first found him..."

Clemont then heard a rustling in the bushes nearby and froze, clutching Chespin close. Another wild Pokémon...? But he was even less prepared for a fight now!! He was shaking a bit, holding out the Chespin as if to try and add a bit more defense, much to the Pokémon's annoyance. It began chattering at him, squirming to get out of his arms and give him a piece of its mind.

A familiar "Hah!!!" sounded out, and Clemont and Chespin were tackled to the ground. Clemont let out a yelp and whimpered as Chespin began a rambling panic...before both found themselves looking into the red eyes of a Lucario. Clemont saw the cuff on its arm and nearly passed out from relief. But...if Lucario was here, then where was...?

"Well, that was quicker than I expected." A familiar high-pitched voice said from behind Lucario. Clemont looked up to see a teenage blonde girl laughing at his misfortune. "Heya, Clemont." Korrina smiled. "Long time no see. Let's help ya up, there..."

Clemont was still trembling as Korrina yanked him to his feet, Chespin also speechless. "I'm glad to see you." He said awkwardly. "You said Jessie's in trouble?"

Korrina's smile soon dropped. "Yeah. Lucario and I found her on our way down the path. Come on..." She began to walk.

"I'll lead you to the Pokémon center..."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16 ⏰

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