The First Day

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Today is the first full day staying in the house all together. Everyone woke up very hungover and could barely remember last night.

Once everyone woke up they went and lounged on the couch.

"My head hurts so much did anyone bring any ibuprofen?" Jules asks everyone.

"Nope." They all respond.

"We should go to the store today to get food and other things for the house," Hannah suggests.

Everyone agreed and went back to lounging on the couch once more.

Hours passed and they all decided what they needed was a nice ride on the yacht.

"Guys what I brought guys," Mason says.

"Alcohol." Everyone says in unison.

"Am I really that predictable?" Mason asks.

They all roll their eyes and take the champagne from him.

"How did your uncle have this much money?" Thomas asks Hannah.

"I don't know, apparently he was a successful businessman or something," Hannah says taking a swig from the champagne bottle.

"So does anyone have their boating license?" Charlotte asks.

Everyone said no but they had decided for Mason to drive, which probably wasn't the best idea.

"You know what I think we should do tonight," Mason says to everyone.

Everyone just shrugs their shoulders in response.

"We should throw a party. Like a housewarming party or something." Mason suggests.

"That's a good idea, but we don't even know anyone here, and all of our friends are two hours away." Jules points out.

"I didn't think of that," Mason says.

"We can ask our neighbors and people we see at the store," Shawn suggests.

"Good idea Shawn. That boy that lives next to us is so cute." Hannah says.

Everyone giggles at her response except for Mason. He just rolled his eyes and continued to drive the boat.

"Doesn't he have a brother?" Jules asks.

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure he does," Hannah says.

"Oh, his brother is cute too," Jules says.

Hannah giggles in response.

Everyone was starting to get a little tipsy from the champagne so they decided to take a break from it.

"If you guys want to have a party, we have to go to the store once we get back," Hannah says and everyone agrees.

Mason turned around and they all headed back to the house.

Once they got back to the house everyone got ready and headed to the grocery store.

Once they got there, they headed to the food and drink section to get things for the house and the party.

They started to pick up a bunch of alcohol and started to put it in the cart.

"How are we supposed to get this?" Charlotte asks.

"Mason has a fake ID," Hannah replies.

Mason pulled his fake ID out of his pocket and waved it in Charlotte's face.

"And how are we going to pay for it?" Charlotte asks.

Hannah pulls a credit card out of her wallet and waves it in Charlotte's face.

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