Chapter 5

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Kaigaku suddenly crashed to the ground, his katana no longer in his hand.

After a bit he realized that his arm and lower body were no longer there.

He looked up seeing someone standing in front of him, but he couldn't tell who it was.

"I expected better from you.." a voice said, seemingly to Kaigaku.

"I thought you knew better than to attack a new member that I let stay here.." the voice said again.

Kaigaku, now realizing who was speaking, started trembling in fear.


"I-I'm so sorry Muzan-sama, it's just tha-"

"Shut up! Who said that you can speak?!"

Kaigaku knew better that to continue trying to explain himself, so he just stayed silent.

While all that was happening, Zenitsu was standing behind Muzan.  He was confused on why Muzan was so protective over him, or was it just him picking favorites?

But it doesn't make sense. Zenitsu just became a demon, he hasn't even harmed any humans yet, yet muzan seems to have grown a liking for Zenitsu.

Meanwhile with Kaigaku, he started to regenerate and already regenerated his legs, but he didn't dare to stand up. He was only staring at the ground, not daring to even think a single word since that could anger Muzan even more and that's the least thing he wanted to happen right now.

"Get out of my sight, you useless being." Muzan with a calm voice that had such a stern and terrifying undertone that even the uppermoons in all the other parts of the mansion could feel it.

"Y-Yes sir..." Kaigaku then immediately regretted saying anything.

"You lucky im in a good mood. Otherwise, you know what would've happened!"

Kaigaku didn't speak this time. He didn't even stand up he just crawled away on all fours.

"You can leave as well. Never speak of this again, is that understood?" Muzan said to Zenitsu, who was still standing behind him.

"Yes.. sir." Zenitsu said a bit quieter that normal, hoping to not piss of Muzan any more that he already is.

Zenitsu then walked away, not to quick, but still a little quicker than his normal walk speed.

When he left the room, he took a deep breath.
'I really got lucky there' he thought.

He continued walking for a while, untill he reached a room with voices incide.

He could hear 3 people – or demons to be exact– inside the room. He didn't go in immediately, but stayed outside to listen in on what they where saying.

"Did you feel it too?" One voice asked the other two.

"Of course we did. Muzan-sama got mad at  someone." Another voice said.

"Do you think it was the new bee? I wonder what he did to make him mad." The third voice suggested.

"Doubt it. Muzan-sama invited him to come here, so he must be special. I don't think that Muzan-sama would get mad at someone who he invited here." The 2nd voice disagreed with the third voice.

"You know what I noticed. Kaigaku and the new bee seemed to know each other." The first voice pointed out.

"Maybe they started fighting or sth?" The same voice continued.

"Maybe. But if that's true, who do you think Muzan-sama got mad at?" The 3rd voice asked.

Zenitsu decided that he would go in now and maybe answer their questions.

He put his hand up and pushed the door open. The demons in the room noticed that the door opened and looked to see who came in.

It turns out that the demons inside where douma,  Akaza and Nakime.
(They might not act canonically since I haven't read the manga and don't know how they act)

"The new bee?" Akaza painted out. "What are you doing here?"

"Well I.. overheard your conversation and thought that's should maybe explain."

"Oo, that be so nice of you Zenitsu-san?" Douma said intrigued. Zenitsu let out a small chuckle.

"So... What questions do you have?"

"Do you know why Muzan-sama got mad?" Nakime decided to ask first.

"Well ,me and Kaigaku got into a fight." Zenitsu answered a bit ashamed.

"How? You seem to know each other." Akaza pointed out.

"Well yeah, we do know each other. He was my senior when we were in training. We never where on good terms. He always looked down on me and made fun of me for not being as strong and as brave as others." Replied Zenitsu looking at the ground to not show the bit of anger towards Kaigaku.

They stayed quiet for a while. They wanted to ask what their relationship is, but that was already answered, so they didn't really know what else to ask.

"So.. do you have any more questions?" Zenitsu asked hoping to break the silence.

The three uppermoons thought for a second before Nakime asked:
"Why did Muzan-sama let you stay here? What's so special about you?"

That question cought Zenitsu by surprise. He never actually thought about why Muzan was being so nice to him. He was a demon slayer after all.

"I... Don't know... I never actually thought about it."

"Hm" was the only response he got.

"I think that was all the questions we had." Said Douma this time.

"Alright, I'll be heading out now, sorry for disturbing." Said Zenitsu as he started to leave the room. He closed the door when he left.

"No worries." Said Nakime at last.

I'm sorry it took so long for this chapter to come out. A lot has been happening and I haven't got the time and/or motivation to write.
The next chapter i will try to post sooner and sorry if the uppermoons didn't act canonically as i said I haven't read the manga so i don't exactly know how they act.
Have a good day/night and don't forget to eat and drink water!

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2023 ⏰

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