Chapter 10: If Mario was in...Splatoon

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Thoughts, Dialogue, *Actions/Expression*

3rd POV:

And so, another week passes ever since (Y/N) "Ash" Trevelyan, Vassal of Princess Peach of the Mushroom Kingdom, had gone on the boat trip with his friends before being stranded at sea and then assaulted by Shy Guy pirates. Instead of going on another adventure with Mario, the knight decided he would try to take a break for some time because (Y/N) was frankly getting tired of the shenanigans that he was being roped into.

As for what happened ever since last week's events, Trevelyan managed to sail back to the mainland where Princess Peach resided in her castle, returning with a new ship called the "Sparrow" and a crew of Shy Gals with it. The brig was anchored at the harbor of the Mushroom Kingdom and the all-female group of eight girls was allowed for the time being shelter under Peach's castle itself.

Unfortunately, it seemed that lately with almost every adventure (Y/N) Trevelyan went on with his friends, especially Mario, he would return with a few girls who hoped to stay close by where the princess' vassal was. Peach had already expressed to her knight that she could only have so many people stay at her castle and she would most likely run out of rooms sooner or later.

Fortunately, the princess also announced to the armored man that the construction of (Y/N)'s very own castle was soon to be completed. All he had to do was try to relax and not go anywhere for at least a week and he would be able to go wherever he decided and bring back whoever he wanted. Although, when Princess Peach said that to him, the knight could've sworn that she seemed a bit annoyed and irritated about it.

Not entirely understanding what he did to upset the monarch he serves, Trevelyan decided to make things up by assisting Peach in painting her castle. She happily welcomes his help while being joined by Toadsworth and....Mario.

And so it brings us to the present, where the four individuals are painting the inside walls of Peach's castle. (Y/N) was scrubbing some red paint along one wall while behind him, Princess Peach and Toadsworth painted blue paint on their own wall. At one point, Peach turns away from the wall and looks over to where Mario was.

Peach: Mario, how is your side of the wall going?

The knight looks over as well and just sighs audibly while shaking his head when he sees that the plumber just drew a derpy face with his brush and wrote "ASS" right under it. Mario looks over at Peach with a dumb smile on his face.

Mario: That's-a so nice!

Before (Y/N) could say anything, he notices Peach's personal steward walk over to the paint cans and look amongst them. The old toad then looks over at Mario and spoke up.

Toadsworth: Master Mario! We could use more orange paint! Could you go fetch some more?

Mario: No problem!

As the red plumber starts to walk to the basement, (Y/N) kept his helmet trained on him. Hell, he was evening moving only his helmet to keep his gaze on the Italian before then looking at Princess Peach.

(Y/N): I'm gonna go keep an eye on him in case he...messes something up.

The knight puts his brush down and goes after Mario, missing the amused giggle and chuckle of Princess Peach and Toadsworth. After navigating through the hallways, (Y/N) follows Mario down into the basement and walks around with his Italian friend. The latter notices the former behind him and stares confused.

Mario: Hm? Why did you follow a-me down here??

(Y/N): At this point, the reason for me being around you is to make sure you don't cause chaos wherever you go....

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