Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

-Juniper's POV-

I was late for school, or I would've been if Kavi hadn't dragged me out the door with a piece of toast in my mouth. I had been up late reading and talking to Kavi about what happened earlier in the day. It got to the point he was begging me to be quiet so that he could go to bed. Unlike my family, Kavi's was incredibly strict when it came to rules.

"You are not making me ruin my perfect attendance record," he told me as we ran to school. "I've worked far too hard to die because of a simple letter 't'."

I struggled to speak as I took the toast from my mouth. "Don't be so dramatic." I took another bite of toast. "You could always go without me; I'm not stopping you."

"Ever since we started here, it was as though I was your parent. The teachers paired us together. Heck, do you know the amount of times this year I've been called 'Mister Berry'? Or 'Kavi Berry'?"

I choked on the bite of food in my mouth. "Seriously?"

"Twice, which is a surprising amount considering we look nothing alike, are different species, and haven't had a class together in the past two years." I was going to point out that he was using a meme, or at least attempting to, but he continued. "Point is, it is my responsibility."

"Not even my parents are this eager to make sure I have good attendance," I said with a sigh.

"That's a discussion for another day. Eat your toast." He slowed to a fast walk.

"Yes dad," I teased.

He gave an unimpressed huff, but a smile crawled onto his lips. He was always the more responsible one, it was just who he was. At least there was someone who cared about my attendance.

"Just let me go to my locker," I told him as we reached the gates.

He groaned but gestured in its direction. "I won't stop you; we have two minutes before we gotta be in tutor though."

I rolled my eyes and headed to my locker. "I can literally see the door from here." I opened my locker and took out three books, a bottle, and my pencil case. I looked over my shoulder, trying to get a glimpse of light brown hair, but Canta was nowhere in sight.

"You'll see her first period I'm sure," Kavi said. "Can we please go in?" He kept looking from me to the open door across the corridor. "Even Paula's in there."

"Seriously?" I asked, stopping what I was doing. "That's a first." Paula was known for being the only student you could guarantee being late. "Maybe it's opposite day?"

"I don't care if it's some sort of made-up social convention or not." Kavi grabbed my arm and finally began to drag me towards the door. "We're here. Thank God we're not late."

"You thank him a lot," I pointed out as we moved to our seats. We always sat in the middle row. I would've preferred to be in the back, whilst Kavi would've preferred to be in the front row. We compromised with the middle.

Our attention was grabbed by our tutor, who went over the very boring school news for the day. It was nothing more than discussing what we all had to work on this week as a school.

After the two minutes of being talked to, we were allowed to discuss whatever we liked. The bell rang what seemed to be two minutes later. Then we had to face the music.

"Call and response, good," my music teacher said and clapped her hands. We were doing a small test, which I couldn't be bothered paying attention to. Music was something which interested me, but we learned about these things two years ago.

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