These Words Are Burning Inside Of Me

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A few days past and I couldn't seem to get Andy off my mind. I missed him so much. We texted and called, but I just wanted to see his face. About a week after Andy left, I was studying for my multiple test when Andy called. I glanced at my work to my phone and back to my work. Answering that call could mean failing this test. I picked up the phone in my hand and hit the answer button with a sigh.

"Hey, Andy. I can't talk right now. I have two test tomorrow that I need to study for," I informed him. I picked my pencil. I felt guilty for not being able to talk. The last three times I had called him, he had been busy and now he was ready to talk and I couldn't.

"Oh, ok," he replied. He seemed disappointed which made me feel guiltier. I looked back down at my textbooks. They seemed to be telling me that they needed to be studied, but all I wanted to do was talk to Andy.

"I'm sorry, Andy, but these tests are really important," I told him. I was trying more to convince myself that I couldn't talk rather than him.

"No, it's ok, Linds. I get it. Hope you do well on your tests and I'll talk to you tomorrow or something," he responded. He sounded hurt. I kept telling myself that studying was the most important thing right now, but I just felt worse from the sound of his voice.

"Ok. Love you," I told him. I hoped he really did get it and he wasn't mad.

"Love you, too," I replied and hung up. I sighed. Why did college have to be such a commitment?

I put my phone down on my bed. and stared at my books. All I could think about was how upset Andy had sounded. I guess he just really wanted to talk to me. I really wanted to talk to him, too, but all these test were important and I was not going to fail and waste my hard-earned money to do poorly. Why were things so complicated?


I hung up the phone and laid it next to me in my bunk. Lindsey had called me practically 19 times and now she couldn't talk to me. Well, she had only called about three times, but still. I understood school was important to her, but she couldn't talk for a few moments. I had waited all day to call her back. Between the time difference and all the stuff I had to do, I hadn't had time to called her back. I sighed. Damn touring. It was officially screwing up my life. I knew I should just be thankful that I had the opportunity to tour the world, but how could I without the ones I loved. I had been so determined not to fuck things up with Lindsey, but it was looking like I wasn't even do it myself this time.

"You ok, Andy?" CC asked as he pulled the curtain to my bunk letting the sunlight shine in. I squinted my eyes trying to adjust to the new lighting.

"Yeah, why?" I questioned. It was like CC was a mindreader. I really didn't want to talk about it, but he come in at the perfect time if I had wanted to.

"I heard you sigh pretty loudly," he explained, "did something happen with Lindsey?" He was officially a mindreader. It was like he knew exactly what had happen.

"It's just that Lindsey called me a bunch of times today and then I call her and she's busy," I told him. I tried to make it sound like it was no big deal, but to me it was pretty big.

"She's probably busy with school. I'm sure she'll call as soon as she can," he reassured me. He didn't get it. I didn't want to be playing phone tag with my girlfriend for the rest of our relationship.

"Yeah, you're right. I'm just overreacting," I replied uncertainly. I wished he would just leave. I didn't really want to talk about it.

"Ok, well, if you want to talk about it or anything," he told me before shutting the curtain. I heard his footsteps heading towards the back of the bus and I let out another sigh. Nothing was going the way I planned. I had thought Lindsey and I could maintain our relationship even though I was gone. I had been wrong I guess though. I shoved my phone down and decided to get some sleep before the show.

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