A Buring Passion

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I yawned as I walked out of class. I had been so upset about what had happened with Andy that I hadn't gotten much sleep. Actually, I hadn't gotten much of anything done after our phone call. It would have been more productive to talk to him for an hour or so and not gotten him pissed. I sighed. I was officially terrible at relationships, but school was really important to me. I wished Andy got that, but I don't think he ever would. I mean, he had dropped out of high school and here I was working my ass off in college.

"You ok, Linds?" I heard Sierra asked me. I turned around to face her. I wasn't really in the mood to tell her what had happened last night. I was just glad Andy hadn't yelled at me or anything.

"I'm fine. Thanks, Si," I replied and kept moving to my next class. I felt bad for just leaving her there, but talking was the last thing on my mind.

"No, you're not. You wouldn't be practically ignoring me if you were ok," she told me. She kept following me until I was forced to turn around and talk to her.

"I called Andy a few times yesterday and he was busy and then he called me and I was busy. He seemed kind of upset. That's all," I informed her trying not to go into detail consider I had somewhere to be.

"Oh, that's not that bad. I'm sure he understands. I mean, didn't you have two test today? That would be pretty selfish if he didn't understand," she told me. She was right and I knew he was better than that.

"Yeah, you're right. I gotta go, though, so I'll talk to you at work," I said and turned around to head to my next class.

After school and work, I made my way home with the music turned up as loud as it could go. I sang along to Lights Out by We Are The In Crowd at the top of my lungs all the way home. It was a sloppy attempt at getting Andy off my mind. I planned to call him as soon as I got home because I didn't have any test until next week and no other work that I had to do. I was all his tonight. I pulled into my driveway and killed the engine. I sigh and got out of the car. I opened the front door to the house. I was welcomed by the sound of gunshots coming from my brothers' video games. I headed upstairs without saying hi and pulled my phone out. I dialled Andy's number and put it up to my ear. I heard ringing and prayed he would pick up.

"Hey, Linds," I heard Andy's voice say from the other end. I let out the breath that I hadn't realised I had been holding in.

"Hey, Andy. I'm really sorry about yesterday, but I have no work to do tonight so I can talk as long as you want," I told him quickly. I had been holding in those words all day.

"Awesome. I'm free for awhile, too," he replied. I could picture him sitting in his bunk smiling. I wished I could have been there to see that smile.

"Great. So, how have you been?" I asked trying to get the conversation going. We hadn't talked in awhile, but I wasn't sure where I should start or what I should say.

"Great. We've been so busy though. I practically have an interview everyday," he told me. We talked for a really long time about everything imaginable. I really didn't want to hang up. For the first time in a while I felt the same way I did when we had first met. I felt happy again for the first time since he had left. Everything was right again.


"Andy, I think I should go. It's getting late and I've got an early class tomorrow," Lindsey told me reluctantly. I looked at the time and realized we had been talking for over two hours.

"Ok. I'll talk to you tomorrow if you're not too busy. I love you," I replied. I really didn't want her to hang up. I had finally gotten her on the phone and hanging up was the last thing on my mind.

"Love you, too. I'll call you if I don't have to study or anything," she responded. I was hoping she didn't have work. I was hoping so bad that I was about to call all her teachers and forbid them from giving her classes any work or test, but I thought better of it.

We hung up and I climbed out of my bunk realizing that we were going on in less than twenty minutes. I grabbed a t-shirt that I had cut into a tank top and a pair of black skinny jeans with some rhinestones around the zipper. I quickly changed and started to put on my makeup. I carefully drew on a line coming from the side of my face and put on some eyeshadow. I pulled on my boots and a jean vest and was ready to go. I ran into the venue anticipating how much everyone was going to yell at me for almost being late.

"Where the fuck were you? I was ready to send out a search party," Jake scolded with a shake of his head. He was already all set to go on stage.

"Sorry. I was on the phone with Lindsey and I lost track of time," I apologized. I immediately started singing scales and other warmups so I didn't have to hear what he was going to say next.

After about two minutes, we lined up in front of the door to the stage, me in the back. We played an amazing show and the fans went wild. There was no feeling like the one I got when I was singing on stage. It was my passion. The feeling was irreplaceable, like Lindsey.

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