Ch:1 A new school?

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It was a rainy afternoon as gloomy of weather as, a ginger-haired girl seated in an expensive-looking car. All she did was look out of the car's window; one would wonder why she looked so upset. Then she spoke looking ahead at a brunette girl sitting in the seat in front of her, she said
 "Where in the world is father sending us."
The other girl replied soon after," DID I NOT ALREADY TELL YOU MOMO -CHAN" the tone of her voice sounded like she was really exasperated. The ginger girl's name was Hina Momotori and the brunette was her sister Hina Sumire. "Yeah I think you did but I forgot," said Momotori. Her sister reminded her of where they were going was Rose valley middle school because their father had an estate there and he wanted them to go to that school in particular.

Hina Momotori (pov)

The rest of the car ride was uneventful say from some nagging from nee san. When we reached our destination we got off the car."Geee dad could not give us a simpler place." I said."Well, we have to stay here so, quit complaining"." Ugh fine," I said. When I got to my room I was so tired I just flopped onto the bed and fell asleep. It was so soft I would have never wanted to wake up.

The Next day...

"MOMO-CHAN WAKE-UP, WE HAVE SCHOOL TODAY. " I heard my nee san scream. "Fine, I'll get up ." I said getting out of bed."Well we have our first day of school are you not excited"."Yeah I guess I am" I said smiling."Ok so get ready" my sister said. I replied saying ok. We got ready in our new school uniforms which were a white shirt with a navy blue blazer and skirt combo and knee-high stockings with some black mary janes. Overall the uniforms looked very nice on me and my sister. 

We then ate our breakfast of simple toast and jam and went to our new school

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We then ate our breakfast of simple toast and jam and went to our new school.

At Rose valley middle school

We had just entered the building when we saw a boy kick a football through a window of what looked like the principal's office. Then I heard a calm but slightly angry voice say "Didn't father tell you not to play your silly games near the school building."Then someone came out of the office but it was not the principal surely he looked as he looked so young around my age...

Author's note 

So did you like this chapter please comment with your thoughts:). 

And sorry to leave on a cliffhanger

The end?

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