Ch: 15.5 Momo's love problems

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This a document of Momo's  romantic escapades of lack there of

First scene:

We see a little Momo about six or seven and she goes say something to her sister, Sumire

"Nee-san a boy on the playground gave me this and her asked me to become his friend." tiny Momo-chan lifed her hands revealing a small daisy in her little hand

"Eww no you can't be friends with boys they have cooties." Sumire said sticking her tongue in disgust.

"What even are cooties?" Momo said a bit angrily now the flower still in her hand 

"Whatever it is it's not good." her sister said  turning away a bit.

"Alright..." she said a bit sad

Though she still has that flower to this day

Second scene:

We now see a little older version of Momo she was about 13 and now in japan

"Ahh hello" she hears a little boy say to her she couldn't understand what he was saying because her japanese was not so good at that time

"Ahh umm hello." she says the boy didn't understand her but he smiles a bit

"Umm Hina-san I like you." the poor boy said Momo didn't understand him again

"Uh what?" she says before her sister appears to drag her away from the boy

That boy still cries himself to sleep to this day

Third scene:

Momo looks at Saki while he was with Minori-san

She seemed to be a little sad looking at them

"Oh hey Hina-chan~." she hears a voice from behind her it was Yukimura

"Ahh Yukimura-senpai how are you?" she says smiling at him which seemed to make him very happy too happy...

"Ahh Momo-chan your soo cute~ please go out wi-" he was kicked from behind before he got the chance to speak it was Sumire

"Shut up you creep!" she said grinding her foot on the back of his head

Momo was really concerned I mean he didn't do anything bad did he

"Ahh nee-san what are you doing!" she says trying to get Sumire to stop she does

Yukimura still has a faint foot print on the back of his head 

This chap was just for the lols bye

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