Secret Admirror

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Tuesday, February 14th, 5:30 AM

I roll over and hit snooze on my alarm. As soon as I open my eyes, tears fall. I reach for my phone and text my mom immediately.

Please don't make me go to school today.

You can't stay home. You just had a day off two weeks ago.




What's so bad about Valentine's Day?

All of my friends have relationships

And I get forgotten about. I don't want to see all of

The flowers and balloons and chocolates. Please.


You have to go.

Something big is going to happen today.

I don't know what.

I roll out of bed and stumble to the bathroom. I get dressed and style my hair while in tears. I even manage to apply my makeup while in tears. I grab my phone and text Noah a good morning text as if he didn't break my heart last night, and I send a message to Tyler about last night and he lets me rant to him. He knows Noah better than anyone, being his best friend, and he knows how to comfort me through this even though I just met him three days ago.

Once I'm ready for what feels like will be my worst day of school this year, I sit on my bed and put my headphones in.

Every song makes me think of Noah and I hate it. Suddenly, I'm sobbing again. Then, a voice fades in from behind me.

"Hey, kiddo."

I wipe my tears away immediately and attempt to look as pulled together as I possibly can. I turn and see my dad, and as soon as I look at him, I can see the pain in his eyes. His teenage daughter is sobbing in her bed at 6 am on Valentine's Day. Something's not right, and he can see that.

"What's wrong?"
"Boys suck," I chuckle as tears spill from my eyes again before I can stop them. I move towards him and he gives me the biggest hug I've had in a long time. By the time I lift my head, his sleeve is soaking.

"He sees me as his best friend."

"Is this about that guy you were on the phone with all day yesterday?"

I nod.

"I was in the friend zone all through high school until senior year. You deserve better," his comment makes me smile. "I hate to say it," he continues, "you're only fourteen. You're going to experience a lot more heartache in your life." That comment doesn't make me smile, but I nod because I know it's true. He gives me another hug and some more words of encouragement before driving me to the bus stop.

I try my best not to cry on the bus to keep my seatmate, who I've never spoken to, sane. But she can tell I'm not okay when I keep wiping my eyes and re-applying my mascara. She taps me on the shoulder and I take out my headphones that are blasting music. I had assumed she couldn't hear my music if she had her own headphones in, but when I turn to face her, her ears are empty. She can tell I'm not doing so hot.

"Hey, I know I'm just some random person and we've never talked, but if you want to talk, I'm here."

"Oh, sorry," I apologize for my loud music and obviously broken state. "Sorry, I'm okay."
"Are you sure?"

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