Moves made

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Thursday, March 30th
I'm on the bus again. Why do romantic things keep happening while I'm on the school bus? That's besides the point. Me and Leo are chatting through text, nothing out of the ordinary. "How'd you sleep, baby?" he asks me.

Bien, ¿y tú?

I'm glad the princess
slept well. I slept good.

Bien 😊 I'm glad I'll get to see
you today. And I'll see you for a
long time since we have
two hour classes.

Me too. Can I sit
by you today?

We can ask the teacher but I'm
sure she'll say yes, Señora A is very
nice. As long as we don't talk
when she's teaching we'll be fine 😊

Muy bien princessa ❤️

Then I get an idea. Leo is going to be sitting next to me during class. Right next to me. I could make a move. I decide to shoot Elizabeth a text for advice.

Is it too soon to hold
his hand today?
He might sit by me in class
today if the teacher allows it

Yeah and I think holding
hands would be great!
You two will look so cute

I've never held a
guys hand before

You should do it

Okay thanks for the
advice, I think I will 🤭

🎵I can show you the world🎵

Thursday, March 30th
Me, Elizabeth and Remy are laughing too loud in the biology classroom. We've been coming in here for lunch recently because of the block schedule causing the combination of A and B lunch, so our regular spot is much too crowded. All of us have been laughing for so long our cheeks hurt. The other two are making fun of my laugh and that it sounds like a rubber chicken. We're all doubled over as Remy plays an audio loop of a rubber chicken and as I laugh it matches up.
We compose ourselves and get ready to go to our next class. For Remy, that's English. He goes out the back door and me and Elizabeth head towards the front door.
She begins opening the door while saying, "I think it's so funny that your laugh actually sounds like a-", but then backs up, rushing into me. We're back in the classroom and she turns around and tells me "They're right there!"
The Spanish class is right across from the bio classroom, so I'm not sure what we expected. But it shocks us both and we double over laughing at the door. We compose ourselves and make our way back out speedily and get into Spanish class. We run through our classic interactions with the teacher, and then I see them. Chris and Leo. It makes me happy to see them, but immediately I know I'm not ready to hold Leo's hand just yet. But I do want to make some sort of a move.
We take our seats and I say "Hola, como estas?" to Leo.
"Bien, y tú?"
"Bien por que tú," and that sends an even bigger smile than before across his face. I open up my computer and begin filling in my answers, switching between my assignment and Google Translate, chatting with Leo.
"You told me you used to like in New York. Did you live anywhere else before then?" I type up and translate.
"Sí, Nicaragua," he says verbally.
"Nicaragua? Wow," I say. "Fotos de Nicaragua es bonito," I straggle together. I'm pretty sure my grammar is a little off, but I think he got the message; from the photos I've seen, it's beautiful there.
"Sí, pero no tan Bonita como tú."
I want to squeal like a little girl. I get a notification on my phone and check it; BeReal.
"Do you want to be in my BeReal?" I type.
"Sí," he nods and leans in to the frame. The front camera; me and Leo next to each other, him leaning in over his computer to get into the frame. The back camera; Elizabeth trying to cover her face so she's not in the photo.
"Gracias," I smile and post it. I finish up my assignment and Leo leans over and asks if we can take another photo in Spanish.
"Sure!" I say, grabbing my phone. He scoots his chair closer to mine. I pull up the camera and hold it up to take a photo, and then I feel Leo's arm go around my back. It sends chills down my spine as I smile for the photo. We take a few and I send them to him.
"We're doing another game of Blooket," the teacher says. I grab my computer off of the table and into my lap so I don't have to scoot back to the table and can remain next to him. We go through the game, Leo asking for my help a few times, which, for some reason, makes me really happy.
Have I mentioned the way he says my name?
Elizabeth points it out to me over text and I smile.
The teacher says we have one more assignment on the computer, so we pull it up. The teacher plays a video of a guy talking about eating breakfast in Spanish, and we have to answer questions about what he said on the computer. I fill in most of them, but I get stuck when it comes to one phrase. I point at it, something we haven't learned before. Leo wraps his hand gently around mine that is pointing at the screen and leads my finger to the correct answer. I smile. I wish his arm was still behind me like he did in the photo, but it's not. I can tell he wants to put his arm around me, he keeps putting his elbow on the back of my chair. But he can't seem to build up the courage to lay his arm down. Chris is laughing at us and Leo looks over at him and laughs back with an "Alto, Chris!"
"You're nervous," Leo types up.
"Yeah, I am. It's hard not to be when I'm with you."
"Can I move closer?" he asks through the screen.
"Yeah, you can :)" I type. He scoots his chair closer to mine and our knees are touching. Every now and then our arms touch when we set them on the arm rests. I admire that he asked first; he didn't want to make me uncomfortable. I recognize that this would be the perfect time to hold his hand, but I can't seem to find the confidence. We continue the assignment and Chris passes his phone to me with a translation pulled up.
"You like each other, oooo," me and Chris both laugh as I read it. I show it to Elizabeth and she begins laughing. I nod and pass it back to him.
"You two would make a cute couple," Chris sends back my way. I laugh and almost roll my eyes because Elizabeth told me the same thing yesterday.
The teacher tells us to pack up, so me and Leo disappointedly get up and begin packing our bags. We make our way out of the door and I'm standing in front of him when I feel someone running a hand through a part of my hair. It catches me off guard, but I think it's sweet. He probably didn't see many girls with red curly hair in Nicaragua.
We end up in front of the door and he says, "Adíos, bonita."
"Adíos, Leo. Hasta mañana," I say as we part and wave.

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