Chapter 6

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Sophie was still in the dark void, slowly but surely feeling the life being sucked out of her body.

She knew she didn't have much longer to live, unless she got somebody. She knew exactly who to reach out to.


Sophie?! Your actually alive?!

Well I'm BARLEY alive.

How are you even alive? Mr. Forkel killed you right in front of us

I'm sorry WHAT?

He killed you! Your body was lifeless! Your eyes were dead looking!

Ok, what lies have the Neverseen been feeding you guys over the past five years?

Nothing, we joined because he killed you!

Ok, they seriously did something to your brains, anyway, I'm in a huge crystal and I literally have no way out and I feel my life literally being sucked away from me.

There's a pink crystal at the base we're stationed at.

That's probably me.

I'll make sure everyone else gets the news.

Make sure the Neverseen doesn't figure out.

I got it

Sophie felt weak, she opened her eyes and it felt like she waking up in a new body, she hadn't been in her own for forever.

She saw the outside of the crystal, it was pink glass so she saw everything in pink, she spotted Keefe staring at the large crystal.

She looked down at herself and she didn't look half bad.

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It was exactly what she looked like the day she went into the crystal so it was no surprise she would still be in it

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It was exactly what she looked like the day she went into the crystal so it was no surprise she would still be in it.

She and Keefe met eyes and he touched the crystal, his hand wide out.

Sophie tired to do the same but she couldn't move her body other then her head.

"Foster?" Keefe muttered.

She opened her mouth to respond but couldn't get a word out and the void finally catches up to her and pulled her in.

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