Chapter 14

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Keefe woke up in one of Havenfeild's guest bed rooms, his memory back.

His headache was terrible, but he spotted someone outside. Next to Calla's tree.


Keefe got out of bed, going outside to the tree and sat beside Sophie, who was staring off at the ocean and had a cat asleep in her lap.

"Foster...." Keefe sniffed, hugging her.

Sophie looked over to him and leaned her head on his shoulder, not saying a word.

"Foster. I'm sorry...." Keefe muttered.

Sophie digged her face into his neck. (OR CUDDLING- I've been reading too many romance books- HELPPPPP)

Keefe smiled at Sophie beautiful eyes, filled with tears.

"I've been lost without you," Sophie muttered, cuddling up next to him.

"I'm so sorry about all this...." Keefe muttered.

"It's not your fault," She muttered.

Keefe watched as she fell asleep, her eyes shutting.

After a few minutes, he too fell asleep.

Have I been reading too many chapters (a romance book app) recently? Yes. I have seen stuff? Yes. Am I spring break? YESSSS 🥳!!!! Except more chapters over spring break!!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2023 ⏰

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