Chapter 9: Facing the Piranha Plant

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Later that night...

At the Fire Flower meadow, the heroes were sound asleep. Not a creature was stirring. No gorillas were gagging. The fire flowers were in full bloom. Peach was revealed to have gone back to her normal self. Toad snored and then...footsteps were heard. Mario groaned awake and Toad woke up too.

Peach and Rohan also sat awake and saw Spike with a trio of koopa troopas. Peach scowled and said, "It's Spike..."

"Not the foreman that I used to work with..." Mario uttered.

"Hello, mustache," Spike said. 

"The name's Mario!"

"And the princess and her cheap cousin."

Rohan growled and Spike continued, "We're here to destroy you and stop you from stopping Lord Bowser!"

"And hooooowww are you gonna do that?" Rohan smugly asked.

"With THIS."

One of the koopas showed a giant garden pot and laid it on the ground. Spike laughed and flew off with his trio following him. The pot began to rumble and then a Piranha Plant popped out. The creature had red skin, no eyes, and white spots. The piranha plant laughed and Mario said, "We've trained for this! We're gonna be okay!"

(The song that the Piranha Plant is gonna sing is "Mean Green Mother from Outer Space" by Levi Stubbs)

The Pirahna Plant began to battle the heroes and sang, 

Better wait a minute, uh

You better hold the phone

Better mind your manners!

Better change your tone!

Don't you threaten me, son

You've got a lot of gall!

Piranha Plant then swiped at Mario and Peach with its leaves.

We're gonna do things MY way

Or we won't do things at all!!!

You don't know what you're messin' with

You got no idea!

You don't know what you're lookin' at

When you're lookin' here

Ya don't know what you're messin' with

No, no way, no how!

You don't know what you're messin' with,

But I'm gonna tell you now!

(Ahhhh! Ahhhh! Ahhhh! Ahhhh!)

Get this straight!

I'm just a mean, green mother from outer space and I'm bad!

(Mean! Green! Bad!)

I'm just a mean green mother from outer space 

And it looks like you've been had!

I'm just a mean green mother from outer space

So get off my back 'n get out my face!

 'Cause I'm mean and green

And I am BAD!

OW! Yeah! I'm bad!

The Piranha Plant suddenly ate a mouthful of fire flowers and began to spit fireballs from its mouth with Mario, Toad, and Rohan avoiding them and Peach trying to get another fire flower. 

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