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As we ride along, on my way to this suppossed romantic destination, my mind is frazzled and my stomach is all in knots, I mean, I told him that I was not going too do anything special for myself on this day. You see, when you get too be my age, 46, stuff like acknowledging my birthday, which happens to coincide on Valentine's Day's just another Friday too me. Still my mind lingers on what he has planned, with my right hand resting on top of my clutch purse and my left hand resting on top of my duffelbag of overnight & tomorrow's clothing as Philip requested. "What is he up too??? this infuriating but yet exciting man has me very nervous, the more I think about it, I'm tempted too tell these two young men to turn this vehicle around, take me back home and leave me be. But I can't & won't do that too him, ain't no telling how far he has gone to put this event together for me and him and if he thinks so much of me to want too make tonite beautiful for us, then I must see this thru & I did promise that I trust him, so I have to keep this expected assurance. While 'Baby I Love Your Way' plays, Philip's two students are discussing what all happened at this past Sunday SuperBowl, one was a fan of the Chiefs and the other a fan of the Eagles, another familiar sound uttered thru, a notification via/a text message. Text from Pam:"Hey!..sis, in about 5 mins. you'll be here, I can't wait too see the look on your face, Philip has done the damn thang, You hear me??? He ain't playing with you. "If this doesn't show that he is really feelin you, then I don't know what will." I text back:"Pamela!..What has he done???...he knows that this isn't necessary and you all know that I don't like a big deal too be made about this day. And when you took off after doing my hair to quote 'help' him & the others finish up everything, I knew ya'll were involved in some way, ya'll are the messiest group of women I have ever known, what I want too know is "Why didn't ya'll try to talk Philip out of doing this??? Pam text back:"Talk him out of it, "What are you talking about Bri??? he isn't trying too be our man, he's trying too be your man and after this romantic rendezvous, who knows what the rest of the night could lead too. "And besides, you know how we feel about this whole situation, you deserve love in your life Britt, you have always been our biggest cheerleader, when it comes to our professional lives, but especially our personal lives. "You've prayed for us, over us, with always was there for us too give us a word when we wanted too give up or whether we wanted that word or not, we needed it, when each of us thought we messed up so bad, I sinned again, surely this is it, Jesus is done with me. "You remind, of His grace & mercy and that if we would just stop being all up in our feelings, given in too our lusts/passions/flesh & have faith, trust and wait on Him, totally surrender, that He will honor and bless us for honoring Him with our bodies, which is the temple of the Holy Ghost. And we can't honor the Lord, if we are out here having sex with every Tom, Dick and Harry, we're better than that, we are His children, his daughters, He loves us so much and He wants us to have the best. And that includes the man He has for all of us & Bless The Lord! we got our men, now it's time for Corrine & you too get ya'lls, but first let's get you this man here, then we can work on Corrine next. And "What if it's the Professor, Huh???...What if God has answered your prayers Bri???...Philip could be the one, but How can you know that if you keep rejecting this fine ass, sexy man everytime.

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