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"Did you enjoy your birthday dinner???" out of nowhere, my mind was so far gone in my pep talk too myself, that it took a few sec too respond to his question, "Ugh!...Yes! Yes! I enjoyed it very much," Philip's face brightens as his lips curl up in a grin, "I'm happy too hear it, you know, you had me worried for a minute," and "What do you mean by that???" I inquired cautiously, "I mean, before you went to the powder room, you seemed quite vexed, Did the song anger you that much??? Are you still angry???" his voice sounded worried, "No! I'm not angry and I wasn't angry at first, I was just extremely nervous, so there's no need for you too be concerned, but you know why I find this song abit troublesome," "I believe I do, Is it because I asked you the very question the song poses???" his most innocent tone and correct answer, "Yes!..& if you thinking of asking that question again, don't even try it because I'm still not going too answer," "Don't worry! I wouldn't dream of it, you made it very clear you wasn't going to give an answer the first time I asked you," Philip stated sadly. But his naughty self just had to try once more, "I still don't understand why you won't answer???...What's wrong with the question???..." I want too just slap him right now, but that wouldn't be nice and deep down I believe he means well, I just can't tell him what turns me on, seriously, I can't tell him that "HE!" turns me on, okay, I can't tell him that I want him, I can't tell him that majority of the time I have thoughts of him & not all are pure either, I can't tell him that I want to ravish him all over & for him to ravish me all over as well, I can't tell him that I want too be in his arms always, to hold me close and never let me go, to say the most beautiful, sweet, sensual things that he says too me, as long as it's not improper, then I would have to pop him one, it doesn't matter how much I think of him & feel for him, I can never tell him or show him how I truly feel & Heck! I'm not suppose too feel like this, to want him, to want to love him, so I must subject my flesh to the Holy Spirit & do what He tells me too do, not what my emotions want me too do, I take a deep breath, "There's nothing wrong with the question, I just can't answer such a heavy topic as that one, now can you please drop it," my tone very taut, "Okay!..Fair enough, no more 'heavy topics' for tonight and just like that, Philip dropped it and Bless The Lord! Joe & his song dropped it at the same time, Thank You Jesus! The song finally ended and just as quickly as that one went off, another came on just as rapidly, another one of my favorites played, Alexander O'Neal, you go Juci, she knows me so well, you see, Jucinda's playlists have a theme to it, normally it depends on what kind of a mood she's in, so it's obvious that since this is my night, there's a theme to this playlist and since Philip orchestrated all of it, he was definitely going for 'romance', 'chivalry', but mostly, play songs that would clearly 'sweep me off my feet', and darn him, it's worked, he & girlfriend have picked every song, except the unsavory ones, the other songs to perfection, my compliments to them both, I mean, the whole mood tonite has been 'whimsical' & 'blissful', I can't imagine it getting any gooder than this moment, but I have a feeling Philip has more up his sleeve so I better keep my head & my heart on a swivel and with that thought, Mr. O'Neal song plays,

          LYRICS: "Cloudy was the day that Sunshine came into
                          my life and made it brighter-She touched me
                          with her warmness as the light shines from
                          her smile-She makes me happy-I could never
                         keep myself away-cause when I'm next too her
                        I feel the warm rays reaching out from her love.
                        She touch me with a smile that glows-I can't go
                       a day without my Sunshine-She warms me with 
                       her heart of gold-I can't go a day without my
                      Sunshine. When life troubles come around and
                      they start to get me down-I call my Sunshine-
                     because there's no other remedy-strong enough
                    for me-just her-I could never keep myself away-
                    cause when I'm next too her-I feel those warm
                   rays reaching out from her love. She warms me
                  with a smile that glows-I can't go a day without
                   my Sunshine-she warms me with her heart of gold
                  I can't go a day without my Sunshine-shine-Ooooo

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2023 ⏰

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