Tempting Her Teacher

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"Mr. Styles, my pen fell off the desk. Can I leave my seat to get it?" Heather asked softly.

Her teacher had been deliberately focusing on the papers in front of him, but Heather was certain she could get his attention. He growled, looked up and his eyes widened. Heather smiled to herself at the surprise on his face. She had unbuttoned a few extra buttons on her shirt and was leaning forward in her seat, making sure he had a perfect view down the front. She saw his eyes drift down and but almost instantly, he composed himself and forced himself to focus on her eyes.

Round 1, Heather! she thought smugly.

He shook his head in annoyance and answered curtly, "Yes, but that better be the last time it happens. No games today Heather. This is detention and it's not a place for you to amuse yourself."

Heather giggled at that. Considering she'd been here the last five days, she was hardly likely to forget where she was, especially since it had become her favorite part of the day. While most people hated coming here, for Heather, this was heaven. She had been mercilessly teasing Mr. Styles all week, driving him absolutely nuts. There was something about messing around with substitute teachers, probably because they hadn't caught on to her games yet.

She still remembered the first time she had met him. Her shirt had a few too many buttons open and he'd stopped her in the hall to reprimand her for her "inappropriate" uniform. She simply smiled, said "Yes, Mr. Styles," undid another button, and continued down the hall.

When she found he was going to be the detention teacher, she knew she was going to torture him.

Every afternoon was another game. One time her shirt might be open, another time, her skirt would be too short and sometimes, both at once. Of course, this only happened when the two of them were alone. If someone else was around, Heather's skirt and shirt were always beyond reproach. At first Mr. Styles had been determined to reprimand her, but he had finally given up, and Heather relished the small victory.

"Thank you, Mr. Styles," she answered sweetly as she got up and made a show of looking around the room.

Heather smiled a small mischievous smile as she looked him over. She was surprised at just how much he could take. She couldn't help but wonder what would happen if he were to lose that rigid reserve.

Many times she'd fantasized about what that would be like. During the day she tried to make things as 'hard' on him as she could, then she would go home and night and pretend...

"I think it rolled under those shelves," she said as she got down on her hands and knees, leaning down to look under the bookcase. This wasn't an accident. She knew the way she looked, her skirt riding up and her legs slightly apart. She'd spent enough time posing in her room to get it just right. She saw him looking over at her on the floor and knew she saw it was working.

As she looked back toward the shelves, she stretched down, keeping her ass high in the air. She loved the thought of him watching her as she leaned down on the floor. The best part was teasing him mercilessly and knowing that he wouldn't do anything about it. Sure, she was "legal" and old enough, but no matter what she did, he was always the very model of rigid control and she was free to drive him crazy.

"I can't quite reach it," she complained loudly, turning and giving him a small little smile. For a moment his expression changed, and then, just as quickly, his eyes were back on her ass.

She had never gone this far before and was wondering what he was thinking. She could just see him out of the corner of her eye, watching as her short skirt rode higher and higher. She leaned over a bit more and knew that he was getting an excellent view now, especially considering she wasn't wearing any panties.

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