The officer

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"Fuck," Emily cursed as she looked in the rear view mirror and saw the police car's lights flashing. She wondered just how long he had been behind her. Emily loved to drive fast and tonight was no exception. She usually ignored the speed limit and drove whatever speed she liked, but she was almost home and thought she'd gotten away with it, yet again. Besides, she had her "secret weapons".

She took a deep breath as she pulled the car over to the side of the quiet street and prepared to greet the officer. This wasn't her first rodeo - she was stopped all the time and most of the time her little routine worked pretty well. Tonight, the stakes were higher and she felt a twinge of nervousness.

She pulled her shirt down a bit, licked her lips and propped up her breasts so that they would be shown to their best advantage. Next, she lowered her window and scooted over in the seat so that she would be looking right up at him when he came over. She hoped she could win him over and be on her way soon. If not... well, she didn't want to think about that. If she got another ticket, she would lose her license. The judge had been very clear about that.

"Good evening Miss," he said as he shined the light into her car, "May I see your license and registration?"

She handed them over and tried to look up at him, but the light was nearly blinding. All she could make out was a deep sexy rumble. She let out a sigh of relief -- it was a man's voice and not a woman's. Women always hated her, police women more than most. They were just ugly and jealous.

She smiled to herself, confident that after a few minutes of flirting she would be on her way.

"Is there a problem Officer?" she asked as she looked up at him, eyes wide with feigned surprise and confusion. She leaned toward him, making sure to keep her hands to her sides and ensuring that he got a clear view of her large breasts and the deep valley in-between.

He continued to shine the light down at her and she blinked into the brightness.

"You could say that," he said slowly. "Do you know why I pulled you over?"

"No idea, Officer," she said as she batted her eyelashes up at him. "Did I do something wrong?"

"Please turn off your engine. I'll be right back," he said and went back to his car with her license and registration.

She waited impatiently. Although the few drinks she'd had a few hours ago had worn off, she was tired and wanted nothing more than to slip into her warm bed.

He approached her car after a few minutes and she looked up again, flashing the biggest smile she could muster.

"Please Miss, step out of the car," he said finally, without a hint of warmth.

She felt a shiver of fear. This wasn't part of the plan. He was supposed to flirt back a bit then give her a warning. She became acutely aware of what she was wearing and realized if she didn't think of something fast, she was sunk! She was dressed for clubbing, not convincing a police officer that she was a good person, someone he should let off.

She opened the door and placed one high-heeled shoe on the ground then stood up, trying to pull her skirt lower. No matter what she did, her skirt simply didn't have enough material to extend more than an inch or so below her ass. Her little tank-top was equally useless. Designed to get attention and show off every curve, her clothes pegged her for exactly what she was - a party girl.

The police officer lowered his flashlight and she blinked as her eyes adjusted to the moonlight. She saw him clearly now, looking at her impassively. His skin was the color of warm, caramel chocolate and all Emily could think was that he looked delicious. He was large, towering over her by at least a foot. His crisp uniform seemed just a bit too snug in all the best places and she found herself staring at the large bulge in his pants. Even in her current situation.

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