chapter eleven

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"DELILAH." WILLIAM BENNETT is standing in front of me. Talking to me. I step back, bumping against Mr. Dawson. "I didn't know you'd be here."

I may be having a hallucination because this is just not possible. He can't be here. Not tonight, not on Corbin's important night. But it's him. I'd recognize that face in a crowd of a million people. Dark, dark hair and forest green eyes that shine like headlights. I had forgotten how much I love his face.

"Miss Ellison, you know William Bennett?" Mr. Dawson asks, surprised. "He's our new investor."

"And you're also in charge of designing my new house," Will adds with a controlled chuckle. "I think we talked about it once, Dede."

At first, I can't remember what he's talking about, I'm still reeling from the fact that he is here, standing in front of me, calling me Dede, the nickname that was reserved for him and him alone. But then it comes to me. We were in the sofa, curled up together. My mom had called to tell me that Corbin had just moved to Seattle, he had just gotten this amazing internship and that I should text him and meet up. I rolled my eyes throughout the entire call, motioning to a curious Will that I would explain once she'd hang up. She eventually did, and I relayed to him the information.

"What firm is he working at?" Will asked.

"Holt & Something," I responded, shrugging.

"Were you two close?" He pressed.

I shook my head. "Nope, he's nobody."

Will laughed. "We might need his services when we decide to build a house."

"I'd rather stab myself in the throat than ask Corbin Paxton anything. I hate his guts."

Shit. I can't believe I actually said those things. I was so mad at Corbin because of what happened between us that for years I acted as if he was a stain in my past. I feel like dying as I remember that moment. Worst of all, Will also remembers it. And I think he just spotted Corbin over my shoulder.

Fuck. This is not good, not good at all.

My entire body feels numb and tingly as I sense Corbin approach. Will's eyes are trained behind me, and I think Mr. Dawson actually announced that he is coming towards us, and I don't know what to do. Does Corbin know who Will is, and vice-versa? Either way, they're about to be introduced.

"Mr. Bennett." I hear his voice behind me and despite the imminence of a confrontation, I'm relieved that Corbin is here. "I didn't know you'd be here."

They shake hands in front of me. The two of them touching repulses me. If Will is every bit as vicious as I know he can be, he actually hired Corbin to design his house to spite me. He remembered my conversation and decided to fuck me over through Corbin. I'm about to explode, this is something I'd expect from a Disney villain, not from the man I loved for two years. And what even are his motivations? He was the one to cheat on me, to kick me out of his apartment.

"And I didn't know you'd be here with Delilah, Paxton," Will counters. I feel Corbin's hand on my back, discreetly stepping towards me until my back is pressed against his front. I relax, just the slightest bit. "Anyway, Delilah, you look amazing."

I don't answer, I don't think I have it me to even acknowledge his words. It's too painful. He's testing me, I can see it in his eyes. If I don't play his game, he'll rat me out to Corbin. He'll tell Corbin everything I said about him, and I'll find myself out of a place to stay again. That's not even the worst part. I can't imagine being on bad terms with Corbin now; I've grown too used to his presence. I was so dumb, I wish I could go back, slap myself and tell that stupid teen that Corbin Oliver Paxton, despite every mistake, despite every fight, has always had her back, and will continue to do so whenever she needs it.

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