Chapter 3

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Chapter 3- Betrayal at its Fittest 

I sat there for what felt like hours. I sat there pondering why all this had to happen to me. I'm only sixteen. All hell had to set loose when I finally had a path to go in life. I was soon taken out of my thoughts when I feel someone shaking me.

"Jamey please snap out of your own goddamn thoughts please."

"Leave me alone Nick. Do you even want me to call you Nick or do you like Ares better? You betrayed me after seven years I've known you. I trusted you for seven years and you swipe that all away. I just want to go home."

"I am truly sorry it had to come to this. But you need to hear Zeus out or he will kill you. Now I'm sorry for what I'm about to do." Nick scoops me up bridal style. I start to kick and scream.

"Are you crazy Nick. Put me down. Now!" I yell but he just continues to hold tightly to me.

"Goddamn it why do you have to have godly strength. Just put me down." He shakes his head.

"Nope you are coming with me and we are going to tie you to a chair and you will stay in the meeting. I made the entire castle look for you. There were going crazy because a mortal was left unaccompanied. Now lets go." I sigh in defeat as I go limp in his arms hoping he would be able to carry my full body weight. Obviously it didn't work.

"Do you bench press two-hundred pounds or something?" I ask annoyed; he just chuckles.

"More like four-hundred. I'm a god Jamey. I can carry five of you. No that we are at the door I will put you down however you have to promise not to run off." I silently nod and walk in to take my seat.

"Now that the mortal is back lets get to the business. Jameson, you are our supposed savoir of Mount Olympus. The Fates said that you would save us all by falling in love with one of our gods." I open my mouth to speak but a male with white hair and a beard spoke up.

"She is such a pretty specimen dear brother. Could it be me who she will fall for?" I look offended and my mouth opened slightly at his comment.

"No Poseidon." Athena stood up for me. Poseidon already had a wife.

"First off Poseidon you have a wife remember or did I read about you wrongly? Amphitrite am I correct? I would love to tell her that I am not the only one you try to expose. Second, I am not a specimen. I'm not even close. Look at any model on Earth and you will see that. I am not fit, I don't have a body, nor do I have any interest in you. Now..." I look forward to Zeus, "I will not just be married into any relationship up. I am only sixteen for fucks sake; so if you think that's going to work then you can shove so far up your ass that you can't have sex with more mortals and make more demi-gods because yes I know about that and it gives you all gods a bad reputation ok? Ok. Now if the fates made this up I can't ignore it. I know that, however I am just a mortal. How would I save you guys... a bunch of gods for Christ's sake." By the look on Zeus' face I embarrassed him and made him mad. Nick... I mean Ares and Athena stifled a laugh. The guy I ran into also held in a smirk. He had a dark persona that gave me the chills. Who was that man?

"Strong words from a mortal. Feisty the way I like it." Poseidon pushes.

"You touch me or talk tome again I will find a way to send you to Tartarus with the Titans. I'm sure your daddy would love a reunion. Now that this is all done I would like to leave." Now the man was really smirking.

"I'm sorry to inform you but you can't leave now Jamey. You will stay here for a month." I growl.

"I am not staying here for a month. I have a life, school, college, band, I have major competitions to beat. I can't miss that. Not to mention my parents, animals, and family."

"I'm sorry but this is my final decision."

"This is just as bad as Hades holding Persephone against her will." I yell. The table went silent. So Hades was in here.

"This is no such thing." Then the dark man got up and abruptly left. He was Hades.


Oop she pissed off the god of the underworld. Thanks for reading y'all. Love y'all.

Bye My Lovelies

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