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Quick Beginning Authors Note:

I just found out Isagi Canonically has a Thigh Fetish

And it's hinted that Kunigami is bisexual...
This shit is literally sourced from the Official Blue Lock Character Book (Egoist Bible)

Warnings: Language (Per-Usual)

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Warnings: Language (Per-Usual)

Y/N is such a cutie.

To be honest...you couldn't remember the last time you had ever felt this sense of nervousness.

It was the type of nervousness that made your stomach feel uneasy and sent your mind to run a thousand miles per hour.

There you sat, alone, fiddling with your hair as you braided small pieces of the strands, noticing how much it's grown since you cut it a few weeks ago seeing as it now grew a bit past your shoulders.

As of current, your teammates were most likely finishing up eating. Which gave you a bit of downtime to ponder to yourself, considering you had already eaten.

It had been a few hours since you departed from the game in regard to the heated altercation that had taken place between Barou and you.

Your emotions have cooled down, which now enabled the rational part of you to begin thinking properly.

There was a part of you that hoped that Isagi wasn't still upset...

The way you spoke to him was a tad rude.

...Okay, maybe not just a tad.

He seemed to be the type of person that wouldn't get mad over something trivial such as insults or yelling.

But the thought still lingered in your mind nonetheless.

Maybe, you should apologize?

Sighing loudly to yourself, you lay back on the cold floor, adjusting to the lights as they brightly flooded your vision momentarily.

Apologizing wasn't a foreign concept to you per-sè

But you definitely didn't enjoy doing it.

Blue Lock ╼╼╼ 𝙋𝙍𝙊𝙂𝙍𝙀𝙎𝙎Where stories live. Discover now