Just a bit of banter

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A/N: Soccer conditioning is kicking my ass 💀


Without another second to spare...
Your lips met his.


Warnings: Angst *Boom* I'm so sorry 🫶

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Warnings: Angst *Boom*
I'm so sorry 🫶

You smiled brightly, kicking the ball to your older brother, whose auburn hair and emerald green eyes moved with the motion of the wind.

Trapping the ball effortlessly, he passed it back to you.

As you went to control the ball, you quirked a confused brow, upon seeing the sky suddenly change to black, with clouds covering the stars and snow falling.

"Woah, where did all this snow come from.", you gawked, placing out a hand to try and catch the white flakes, seeing as they disappeared the moment they made contact with your warm hand.

"Sae! Look at the snow!"

Your gaze shifted to your older brother, upon hearing no response.

"Sae?" You frowned, "Hello? Are you listenin-"

"Shut the fuck up already Y/N...", he looked up to meet your eyes, causing you to instantly notice the heavy bags now surrounding his eyes. Not to mention, how slender and thin he now was.

"What?", you stuttered out, noticing the insult to be more aggressive rather than playful...

"I'm not playing your stupid games. It's a waste of my time."

You smiled, slightly in shock and confusion, thinking this had to be some kind of joke.

"What are you talking about Sae...is something wrong?"

He shoved his hands into his pockets, "Someone who can't even play for themselves, has no right to play with someone like me. You should quit soccer while you still can."

"What the hell are you talking about Nii...", your voice rose, feeling your heart drop to your stomach, "Why are you acting like this..."

"I had my eyes opened up to reality. That's all there is to it."

You clenched your fists, tapping the ball at your feet to a side as you stepped toward him, "That's no reason to start acting like a prick."

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