Cruel Planning

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I cut the original chapter in half because it was so long

Shidou appearance next chapter tho ‼️🔥

Warnings: Language, one sexual reference, Luna being a bitch to everyone except y/n

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Warnings: Language, one sexual reference, Luna being a bitch to everyone except y/n

"Taking advantage of your
own brother like that is
truly an awful thing to do."

"Rin, how big is the field normally with five versus five players?"

"Rin, can you help me tie my laces?"

"Oh shoot, wait Rin before you do that, help me find my shin guards."

"Rin, are you listening to me...hello? Rin, Rin, Rin R-"

"SHUT THE FUCK UP!" he exclaimed, finally snapping at you as he turned around from his locker, "I'm ignoring you for a reason! Cut it the fuck out!"

You jumped back slightly, frowning at him, "Stop ignoring me then."

He scowled, "Our game starts in five minutes. It'd do you good to at least pretend like you're focused."

"I'm really excited!" Bachira chirped, standing up and stretching his arms, "I almost couldn't sleep last night thinking about it!" he added

Isagi nodded in agreeance, smiling with a nervous excitement that seemed to be radiating off of him. His eyes flickered over to you, seeing you turn away from Rin and raise your arms up as you stretched your whole body.

Feeling a pair of eyes on the back of your head, you turned around, meeting Isagi's gaze and immediately sending him a wide smile.

The two of you had performed far more romantic actions with each other than merely exchanging smiles, however, the gesture in itself still made his heart skip a beat the same as it did when the two of you first met.

Feeling his cheeks warm, he returned the look.

Rin looked over briefly, noticing you and Isagi giving each other 'googly eyes'.

He let out a low scoff, rolling his eyes as he took a few steps forward and bumped into you from the side.

You were thrown off balance for a moment, swiveling your head around and frowning, "Whatever happened to 'excuse me?' "

He looked down at you and ignored your statement, before walking up ahead through the open door.

Bachira hummed, "Time to go~"

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